Thursday, January 29, 2015

Powerful Relief from Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD has a 5-part program to address these difficult but very treatable conditions that he calls “SHINE”.  The 5 areas that must be addressed are Sleep, Hormone deficiencies, Infections, Nutritional deficiencies, and Exercise as able.  Low-dose Naltrexone (LDN) has also shown great promise.  More recently, Dr. Ty Vincent from Alaska as shown how the allergy/sensitivity treatment known as Low-dose Allergens (LDA) can be modified to treat these problems effectively.  At Celebration of Health Association in Bluffton, Ohio, we use all three of these modalities.  Our patients are really excited by their results. , or Google Low-dose Naltrexone.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Pain Relief in Minutes

Dr. Steven Kaufman of Denver has invented the pain neutralization technique with several important corollaries.  No drugs, no surgeries, no treatment devices, just light pressure from the treatment practitioner’s hands.  Those trained in Kaufman’s, procedures, as I have, find that they can often dissolve pain rapidly.  Permanent resolution might evolve in 1-4 treatments with relatively little cost and no side effects.

Find out more from Jonathan Wright’s newsletter, Health and Healing, June 2013 issue, or from going to

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Good News for Runners!

Dr. Lo reported on a comforting study at the American College of Rheumatology meeting in Boston.  Runners who do not start running with arthritic knees do not have an increased risk of developing osteoarthritis due to running at any time of their life.  Go ahead and run.  It’s good for you.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Tylenol (Acetaminophen) Does Not Outperform Placebo for Low Back Pain

A large study in Australia treated low back pain patients with acetaminophen or placebo.  The median recovery time for both groups was 17 days.  There was a minimal relief of pain with the drug, much like using NSAID’s like ibuprofen and Aleve.  Most patients recover from acute low back pain reasonably well with maintaining activity and utilizing safer modalities as needed, such as acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, and herbal supplements.
See the Lancet, July 24, 2014 issue.



Tuesday, January 13, 2015

To Tan or Not to Tan

The answer is not to tan, especially with indoor tanning booths.  The Surgeon General estimates that indoor tanning might be associated with 400,000 new cases of skin cancer and 6000 melanomas each year.  9000 people die of melanomas yearly.  One in three white women, aged 16-25, use tanning booths.  The best protections outdoors are hats and clothing.  Sunscreen might protect against harmful UV exposure, but it has to be applied repeatedly, and it reduces the body’s production of vitamin D, which can have its own set of problems.  Get your vitamin D level checked with a blood test, especially at this time of year.  Supplementation is often indicated to reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, and osteoporosis.

Google the Surgeon General’s report on indoor tanning for more info.


Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy, Phase 2The Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy, Phase 2The Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy, Phase 2The Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy, Phase 2The Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy, Phase 2

TACT-1 was a huge study that showed that chelation therapy can prevent future cardiac events for patients who had suffered a previous heart attack.  Chief Investigator, Dr. Gervasio Lamas, has published the study in major journals and presented the data at many medical schools across the U.S.  The most impressive part of the study was a 51% reduction in cardiac events in diabetic patients over a 5-year period.  The FDA was impressed as well, but they demand a confirmatory study for acceptance of chelation therapy.  Thus we now have TACT-2.  If you know anyone who is a diabetic and has had at least one heart attack, please have him or her contact our office to find out if they are eligible to participate in the study.  They would have a 2/3 probability of receiving $10,000 worth of treatment, without cost.

Call Celebration of Health Association at 800-788-4627.



Tuesday, January 6, 2015

What do Autoimmune Diseases, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Yeast Have in Common?

All of these medical problems involve malfunctions of the immune system.  Conventional treatments for them are powerful, expensive drugs that have potential side effects.  For many, treatment has had limited success.  We now realize that a significant factor for all of these problems can be a sensitization which occurs to common bacteria that reside in the patient’s digestive tract.  This sensitization might be reversed by treating with a very low dose allergen treatment (LDA), much like homeopathic remedies.  This is a natural treatment that can be given orally without severe dietary restrictions.  The details were presented at the fall meeting of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine.  It is an exciting new approach that we are delighted to offer at our clinic.


Google Low Dose Allergen treatment or contact our office in Bluffton, Ohio at 800-788-4627.