Thursday, February 26, 2015

Endometriosis Breakthrough Treatment

Endometriosis is often severe enough to require surgery.  However, the new Low-dose allergen treatment (LDA) that includes yeast desensitization might well clear the problem up completely without surgery.  Another treatment that has shown significant regression is HCG given once or twice a week (1000 to 5000 iu per dose).

See Jonathan Wright’s Nutrition and Healing newsletter, Sept. 2014, p.3.
Celebration of HealthAssociation website  

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Stents Fail to Give Long-term Benefit

Norm Shealy, a holistic neurosurgeon, points to recent news from the AMA journal that 52% of patients who get stents fail to have long-term help.  32% die within 2 years, 20% re-block their arteries within 6 months, and 2% die during the actual procedure.  Bypass surgery is even worse.  You can often take chelation therapy instead of surgery, or if surgery is really needed, then take chelation afterwards to protect against re-stenosis.  This is common sense, but unfortunately not yet common practice.

See  JAMA Neuro, published on-line January 12, 2015.



Thursday, February 19, 2015

Eczema Linked to Hard Water

A British study looked at 1300 infants and found that eczema was present in 45% more children who were exposed to hard water instead of soft water.  In addition to increased calcium carbonate in the water, the affected children had to have a loss of function gene (FLG), which is common.

 See Family Practice News, November 1, 2014, p.18-19.





Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Hospitalizations from Heart Failure are Higher During the Holidays

During the 4 days immediately after Christmas, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, and the Super Bowl, the rate of admissions to the hospital for heart failure patients is 11-14% higher than the rest of the month, according to Mahek Shah at the annual meeting of the Heart Failure Society of America.  Dr. Shah speculates that the mechanisms could be the amount of rich, salty foods consumed or it could be delay in seeking medical care at holiday time.  The message is eat healthy snack foods, lower in salt, especially at festivities and family gatherings.

See Dr. Shah’s work analyzing 22,728 patients at Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Concussions Require Cognitive as Well as Physical Rest

Coaches and teachers routinely make sure that students who suffer a concussion get some time off from physical activity to recover.  But only half as many insist that study time, computer time, test-taking and other mental activities be significantly limited post-concussion.  Otherwise, recovery can be delayed, and permanent effects might be more likely.

 See Dr. Kelsey Logan’s comments at the American Academy of Pediatrics meeting.  He directs Sports medicine at Cincinnati Children’s Medical Center.



Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Depression Linked to Obesity

The National Center for Health Statistics reported that women aged 40-59 and men over 60 y.o. who are overweight are more likely to be depressed, whether they are taking medications or not.  If you are overweight, you might consider that you could be depressed.  Such treatments as yeast, food allergies, amino acids, SAMe, and counseling could solve both problems.  Not everyone who is depressed is aware of it.  A professional evaluation is often helpful.

See the NCHS study based on the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.  More info from


Thursday, February 5, 2015

ADHD is Often Missed in Adults

A presentation at the European College of Neuropsychopharmocology showed that 15.8% of nonpsychotic outpatients had adult ADHD that had not been previously diagnosed.  Medication can be helpful, but Dr. Johannes Thome, chair of the Dept. of Psychiatry at the the University of Rostock in Germany stressed that “pills don’t give you skills.”  He emphasized that psychological therapies are important as well.  Those of us in Integrative Medicine would also look for yeast imbalance, food allergies, B12 responders, toxic metals, low dose naltrexone, homeopathics, and other treatment options that have been successful in children with ADHD.

See the report of the ECNP congress in Family Practice News, Nov. 15, 2014, p. 10.


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A Toxic Metal use in Dyes for MRI Testing Stays with You Forever

Dr. Joe Hickey has demonstrated that Gadolinium, a toxic heavy metal that is administered as a contrast material for most MRI’s to sharpen the images, stays with the patient indefinitely if not treated.  Gadolinium acts similarly to lead, mercury, and arsenic to increase the risk of chronic degenerative diseases over years of exposure.  To find out if you have a toxic residue of Gadolinium, ask your integrative physician to do a challenge test with EDTA.  The treatment is chelation therapy.

Go to to find a doctor knowledgeable about this problem.