Thursday, January 26, 2017

What Works Best for Chronic Sinusitis?

What Works Best for Chronic Sinusitis?

An article in the Family Practice Journal summarized the research on treating chronic sinusitis.  Intranasal steroids worked slightly better than placebo, and nasal salt irrigation was almost as effective as the steroids.  Z-packs for 3 months did not improve symptoms.  Surgery was about the same as medical therapy.  Those of us in the alternative field might treat with Low-dose Antigens or with sinus injections with Procaine anesthetics.  Reports are much better with the natural approach.

See the Journal of Family Practice, Nov, 2016, 829-831.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Autism Linked to Mother Taking Anti-depressant Drugs

I credit Dr. Frank Shallenberger with calling our attention to a study in the AMA Journal that pregnant women who take SSRI drugs for depression from the fourth month of their pregnancy are much more likely to have children who develop autism.  The reason appears to be a disruption of the 5HTP biochemical that control serotonin in the body.  Instead of the drugs (like Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Effexor, for example), it would appear that such natural treatments as brain mapping and neurofeedback would be safer.  Measuring neurotranmitters and correcting imbalances with supplements is another excellent treatment that is very safe.

 See Second Opinion newsletter and Boukhris, T.  JAMA pediatrics 2016 Feb. 117-124.


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Blood Pressure is sometimes hard to control with nutrients

Fish Oils and Magnesium at the highest doses tolerated might do well in controlling hypertension.  Cofactors include grape seed extract and taurine.  BP nat relief is an herbal preparation which often works very well.  Many BP meds have disturbing side effects.

See Journal of Nutrition, March 2016.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Osteoporosis and breast diseases respond to vitamins E and D3.

Both of these common conditions in women do much better when they take both of these nutrients.  Use the natural form of E with mixed tocopherols at 800 iu and 5000-10,000 iu of D daily.

From the British Journal of Nutrition of January, 2016.