Thursday, October 30, 2008

Helicobactor Pylori Treatment for Peptic Ulcers is Failing

The discovery of H. pylori as a major cause of peptic ulcers was very important. Instead of taking medications for the rest of their lives, patients could be cured with 2-3 weeks of a combination of antibiotics. If this sounds too good to be true, it is. The bacteria has developed resistance to a simple course of antibiotics. Sound familiar? This is how Methicillin-Resistent Staph (MRSA) infections have become such dangerous threats inside hospitals and out. Drs. Nimish Vakin and Dino Vaira now advocate in JAMA five different combinations of antibiotics given sequentially for 5-10 days each. Can you imagine the roaring yeast imbalance this would cause? The H. pylori might be killed off or further resistance might develop, but opportunistic and other resistant infections would be rampant. In my opinion, a much better result would come from using some of the plentiful nutritional supplements that have been shown to boost the immune system naturally and by flooding the GI tract with probiotics and anti-fungal agents.

For the good doctors’ proposed protocol look at

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