Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Need for Medical Homes and Natural Therapies

Medicare patients saw an average of 7.9 physicians a year, according to a report delivered at the American Heart Association. And those with congestive heart failure saw an average of 23 physicians per year. In 2005 the CHF patients accounted for 37% of the total spent on Medicare, and 50% of the inpatient costs. The American Academy of Family Physicians are pushing for designated Medical Homes that would coordinate all the care received by a patient. This would reduce costs substantially, but an even greater decrease in costs and increase in effectiveness could be achieved by using l-carnitine, coenzyme Q10, d-ribose, magnesium and heavy metal detoxification, as recommended by integrative cardiologists Stephen Sinatra and James Roberts.

See Family Practice News, January 15, 2009 issue, page 1. Subscription required.

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