Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It’s not your Fault you’re Fat!

This was a title of a fascinating book a decade ago. Researcher Dr. Cindy Visness reported in the Associated Press on a study that showed first that overweight children are 50% more likely to be allergic to milk than those of normal weight. Further, about 25% of overweight children have at least one food allergy. Other common food allergies include eggs, peanuts, wheat, corn and citrus. These findings are probably understated because they likely looked only at IgE mediated food allergies, when we find that most food sensitivities are IgG mediated. The study just looked at children, but adults are commonly affected as well. Sometimes food allergies are the underlying cause of increased inflammation (detected by the C reactive protein) that has been linked to heart attacks and strokes. Possible food allergies can be identified with an Elisa blood test and then confirmed with an elimination diet. If the allergies are to common foods, desensitization is available from most Integrative Physicians.

See Visness CM. May, 2009, issue of the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (click here-subscription required) and Associated Press (click here), June 1, 2009.
For an Integrative Physician, go to International College of Integrative Medicine (click here) or American Association of Environmental Medicine (click here)

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