Arsenic is found in roxarsone, a pesticide routinely added to chicken feed to combat parasites and increase weight gain in chickens. Arsenic dust is commonly found on farms, in the water and in the air. In 1999, the European Union outlawed the use of arsenic for this purpose, but it is still legal in the US. Chicken consumption has increased dramatically in the last 40 years, which in turn has increased the arsenic levels in our bodies. Arsenic is a Class A toxic metal that increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease and memory loss. Americans routinely get exposed to as much as 11 times the recommended upper limits of allowable exposure, according to the EPA. You can test for arsenic with an EDTA challenge. Treatment usually requires a series of IVs. But most people do not know that they have been exposed, and they mysteriously suffer in silence and ignorance. Paradoxically, this material came from an organization that works with Medical Boards which have routinely charged doctors with inferior care when they test and treat their patients for arsenic poisoning.
Based on an article in the Washington Post (click here) by Douglas Gansler, co-chair of the environmental committee of the National Association of Attorneys General.
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