Tuesday, January 6, 2015

What do Autoimmune Diseases, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Yeast Have in Common?

All of these medical problems involve malfunctions of the immune system.  Conventional treatments for them are powerful, expensive drugs that have potential side effects.  For many, treatment has had limited success.  We now realize that a significant factor for all of these problems can be a sensitization which occurs to common bacteria that reside in the patient’s digestive tract.  This sensitization might be reversed by treating with a very low dose allergen treatment (LDA), much like homeopathic remedies.  This is a natural treatment that can be given orally without severe dietary restrictions.  The details were presented at the fall meeting of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine.  It is an exciting new approach that we are delighted to offer at our clinic.


Google Low Dose Allergen treatment or contact our office in Bluffton, Ohio at 800-788-4627.


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