Thursday, April 10, 2008

The wrong kind of calcium causes heart attacks in women. The British Medical Journal reports that women who take plain calcium to treat or prevent osteoporosis have an increased risk of heart attacks, especially at the high doses recommended. My observation is that calcium should be save in the 500-1000 mg a day range as long as it is balanced with at least half that amount of magnesium. Circulation Magazine also pointed out that high doses of vitamin D might protect against heart attacks. I recommend 5000 units a day of Vitamin D3, unless you are getting plenty of sunshine. As an added incentive, a recent study showed that a vitamin D deficiency might decrease the lifespan by up to 5 years.
Online BMJ.2008 (1/15/08) and Online Circulation.2008 (1/7/08) and Am. J.Clin.Nutr. 2007;86:1420-5.

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