Thursday, May 21, 2009

Pesticides and Parkinson’s Disease

The Los Angles Times reported on April 20, 2009 on the work of Beate Ritz of UCLA that showed a 75% higher incidence of Parkinson’s disease in those who lived within 500 yards of fields that were sprayed with the common fungicide maneb, and herbicide paraquat. Chemical toxicity might be an important cause of Parkinson’s disease, leading to therapies such as milk thistle to detoxify chemicals, chelation therapy to reduce heavy metals, and various techniques to increase glutathione, which helps in the detoxification of the brain.

See American Journal of Epidemiology (click here) and Los Angles Times (click here)


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Medical Information said...

It has been revealed that farm workers who were exposed to pesticides were most likely to develop Parkinson disease. Dependence on organochlorines has been known to be a problem as it includes the infamous DDT and chlordane. US government has banned these chemicals. To get more information on parkinson disease, refer Parkinson