Dr. Ranit Mishori wrote about the considerable dangers of cigar smoking, which include cancer of the lips, tongue, mouth, throat, lungs, pancreas and bladder, as well as heart disease and chronic lung disease. Second-hand smoke is more dangerous from cigar smoke than that from cigarettes. One cigar has 23 times the nicotine content of a single cigarette. An article in the Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology showed that the toxin of carbon monoxide was higher at two cigar social functions in San Francisco than on a busy California freeway. One-third of teenagers start smoking cigars after seeing it glorified in the movies. It is way past time for this to stop.
See Mishori R, The Hidden Dangers of Cigars, Parade Magazine, May 31, 2009 (click here).
1 comment:
Yes, I'm sure standing inside a room with cigar smokers would make things quite smoky, just like standing over a grill in the backyard.
Cigar smoking is not as dangerous as many people want to make it out to be. Here's a 38 year study of over 100,000 people with some information on that http://tinyurl.com/m8ma96.
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