Sinus cleansing might be a better approach than antibiotics for persistent sinusitis and even for upper respiratory infections, according to an article in Holistic Primary Care. Sinus irrigation with salt water, usually with one version or another of the Neti Pot, clears out mucous and makes it easier for the body to conquer the infection. Homeopathics can also help by stimulating the immune system. We have been using the cold laser with excellent results. Keep in mind that chronic sinus infections are mostly due to fungus and need to be treated with anti-fungals, probiotics and a low-carbohydrate diet.
See Holistic Primary Care, Fall 2010, P. 8.
I agree with this post it's absolutely correct sometime antibiotic not respond for the sinus irrigation. so must be using a netipot, it's very effective for the cold's problem.
Neti Pot
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