Thursday, February 6, 2014

Chelation Plus Multivitamins Halved Cardiac Events in Diabetic Patients

The TACT study showed even better results in patients who received both multivitamins and EDTA chelation therapy than previously reported with chelation treatment. There was a 34% reduction of a composite of cardiovascular risk, heart attack, and stroke in patients that had had a previous heart attack. Diabetic patients had a remarkable 51% reduction in risk with this therapy combination. Critics of the therapy are becoming less vocal as more and more details of the study are reported. In my experience of 30 years giving chelation in the office, the results are even better yet. See Family Practice News, December, 2013, p. 24-25. Or visit my website at Celebration of Health Association website

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mostly Everyone who performs chelation therapy on their patients as well as those receiving this great therapy have seen the results! Hopefully the general medical public will open their eyes finally when the data gets further substantiated. Thank you Terry
Dave Dornfeld DO