Monday, December 30, 2013

Dogs are Good For You

The American Heart Association has declared that owning a pet might be a factor in preventing heart attacks. Of course, a randomized, placebo-controlled, clinical trial would be required for definitive proof. I am not sure how that could possibly be done. But I am sure that a dog who shows gratitude and affection would be good for you. See Family Practice News, June 15, 2013, p. 9. Celebration of Health Association website

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Not Enough Estrogen Can Increase Belly Fat in Men

Testosterone deficiency is a common problem in men, but now we know that insufficient estrogen can cause problems too. Actually, if you are given supplemental testosterone, some of it might be converted to estrogen, which can be a good thing. Recent protocols actually block that conversion, which is not so good. Your doctor can guide you through hormone imbalance, especially if he or she uses bio-identical hormones. Dr. Peter Snyder at University of Pennsylvania Medical school for more info. Celebration of Health Association website

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Foods Can Help You Sleep

Things to avoid to prepare you for sleep are large meals at bedtime, chocolate, and alcohol. Things to help include lite bites of food (unless you have reflux), kiwis in the evening (increases serotonin), and tart cheery juice (increases melatonin). During the day, go outside for natural sunlight and some exercise and at night, sleep in a dark room with no electronics. See the AARP newsletter, Strive for Healthy Living, Fall, 2013. Celebration of Health Association website

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Diabetic Drugs Cause Cardiovascular Disease?

In 2011, the FDA slammed restrictions on the diabetic drug, rosiglitazone, because it apparently increased the risk of vascular problems. Most diabetic complications are vascular. Other new diabetic drugs also had suspicious results. Now the FDA is saying there isn’t enough evidence to say they are safe or dangerous. A much better choice would be IV chelation therapy. The TACT study showed a 40% decrease in cardiac events in patients with diabetes and a history of a heart attack when they took chelation for only a year and a half. See Hunting for cardiovascular signals from diabetic drugs in Family Practice News, 11/1/13, p. 1, 17. and Google TACT.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Recent Evidence on Screening Procedures

A Family Practice journal’s editorial reports that evidence now states that testicular and breast self-exams are no longer recommended. PSA’s in men and mammograms for women younger than 50 have mixed benefits at best. But the most harm could come from genomic screening. What would you do with the information if you found out that at age 30 you have the gene that makes it likely that you will develop Alzheimer’s disease? Currently there are no early interventions “approved” to alter that gene, although in alternative medicine we have some nutritional approaches to try to alter gene expression. Some might take the information as a challenge, but others could develop crippling depression. My inclination is to focus on the factors we can do something about and act accordingly. See J Hickner, Will Screening Open Pandora’s Box? Journal of Family Practice 2013;62:465. Celebration of Health Association website

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Do More Guns Make Us Safer?

The American Journal of Medicine published a study that answers this question in the negative. The United States has 88.8 guns per hundred people and a fire-arm related death rate of 10.2 deaths per 100,000 people. The United Kingdom has 6.2 guns per hundred people and a 0.25 fire-arm death rate. Japan has 0.6 guns per hundred people and a 0.06 fire-arm death rate. Canada is in between, with 30.8 guns per hundred people and a 2.44 fire-arm death rate. There was no correlation between the mental illness rate in a country and its crime rate, but there was a positive correlation between the mental illness rate and fire-arm related deaths. Interestingly, the crime rate in the U.S. is only about half the rate in Canada and in the United Kingdom, but Japan’s crime rate is less than half of ours. Obviously, there are multiple factors at play. See S Bangalore, American Journal of Medicine 2013;126:873-876.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

First, Do No Harm

Hippocrates issued this often-repeated mantra for the medical profession. Unfortunately, with the side effects of medications and the complications of surgery, modern medicine often pays minimal attention to this important guideline. An article in the AMA journal goes one step further and advocates screening for financial harm. Patients without insurance are often shocked by huge medical bills, sometimes way out of proportion for the benefit gained. One of the leading causes of bankruptcy is medical bills for people who have insurance! Generally speaking, complementary and alternative medicine is much less expensive than conventional treatment, and it is often very successful. Be a mindful consumer. Choose wisely, and ask for the cost ahead of time. It will probably take you a while to get the cost, especially if a hospital is involved, but it is your right to know what you are getting yourself into. Moriates C and associates, JAMA, August 14, 2013, p. 577-8. Celebration of Health Association website

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Are Fish Oil Supplements Safe and Effective

Lately, fish oil supplements, otherwise known as Omega-3 fatty acids, have come under fire both for effectiveness and safety. According to a meta-analysis by Rizos and associates, published in the AMA journal, the benefit in preventing cardiac events is less than previously thought. However, the benefit for treating bipolar disorder, autoimmune problems, and other illnesses remains unchallenged. A questionable link to prostate cancer has been reported. I have seen the benefits of fish oil for many conditions, but the problem lies in that many fish oil products on the market are contaminated with Mercury and other toxic chemicals. The company supplier that we use carefully tests all of its products to be sure that they are pure. That is extremely important. Further, fish oils are an adjunct to other therapies. Use them in conjunction with chelation therapy for vascular disease or nattokinase to prevent clotting. I would generally not recommend using them by themselves. See Monaco J and associates. The Journal of Family Practice, August 2013, p. 422-4. Celebration of Health Association website

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Save the Bees

Bees are dying all over the world. The European Union has responded by banning Neonic pesticides, which have been linked to this massive destruction of bees. Bayer has responded by suing the EU to allow it to continue to use their product, even though it threatens to cause a huge disruption of our food chain. Food safety authorities say that this pesticide can easily by replaced by much safer chemicals. See EU insecticide ban triggers legal action. Nature News, 28 August, 2013. Celebration of Health Association website

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Hormone Therapy for Women

The latest report from the Women’s Health Initiative from Harvard is confusing to say the least. They looked at a fixed dose of conjugated estrogen (Premarin, from horse urine) with or without a synthetic progestin (Provera) to see if the benefits outweighed the risks. The end points included heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, gall bladder disease, onset of diabetes, hip fractures, cancers, and urinary incontinence. Some of these improved a little and others got worse. Neither regimen affected all-cause mortality, and symptom improvement was not predictable. My conclusion from this is that they used lousy medical treatment. Provera is the most dangerous hormone to give and should be avoided. Natural progesterone and Estriol (bio-identical) are the safest hormones to use, and they were excluded from the study. If you can get by with just natural progesterone, that is the best choice. Finally, if you want to relieve symptoms, you have to give the correct dose for each individual patient, not the same dose for everyone. Come on, Harvard, we deserve better than that. See JoAnn Manson, JAMA 2013; 310:1353-1368. Celebration of Health Association website

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Curbing Milk Allergies

Scott Calvert of the Baltimore Sun reported that the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center had successfully treated 8 of 32 children with severe milk allergies by gradually giving them increasing amounts of milk over 3 years. This is a passive way to get the immune system to eventually tolerate the milk protein and thus end the allergy. Our success rate is a lot better than that with either of two methods we use to desensitize food allergies. The Sensitivity Reduction Technique (SRT) does it over a few months by tapping on acupuncture points when exposed to the energy field of the food, and the Low Dose Allergen (LDA) technique works over two or three years with injections of an enzyme along with tiny doses of the foods. I wonder how big a grant Hopkins got for studying a vastly inferior treatment. See the Toledo Blade, Sept 9, 2013, Section D, page 1. Celebration of Health Association website

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Is Obesity a Disease or Not?

This summer, the AMA recognized obesity as a disease. This is good and bad. It is good because it recognizes obesity is a condition that is not always caused simply by over-eating. It will allow some patients to get insurance treatment for treating obesity. Obesity will be taken more seriously by physicians and patients alike. On the other hand, calling obesity a disease instantly labels a great many people “sick” who are actually healthy, especially since there is no widely accepted definition or specific symptoms for the condition. Some claim that treatments such as surgery and dangerous drugs will be used more since obesity is officially a disease. Medicare no longer lists obesity as a disease, but the IRS accepts treatments as tax deductible. So far, we continue in a state of confusion on the status of obesity. Celebration of Health Association website

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Toxic Chemical Pose a Pregnancy Risk

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists released a warning this fall that practically all women of child-bearing age are exposed to a minimum of 43 chemicals with potential toxicity. The warning suggested that doctors taking care of pregnant women should ask about exposure and offer suggestions to be careful. Eating fish and drinking from plastic bottles are two activities that should be limited, mercury and PCB’s from the fish and BPA from plastic containers. They should also have discussed milk thistle as a general detoxifier and EDTA or DMPS for heavy metals. These treatments should be prescribed only for documented toxins, and they should be taken before conception, not during pregnancy. See doctors who are familiar with toxicity, such as members of International College of Integrative Medicine, American Academy of Environmental Medicine, and American College for the Advancement in Medicine. Celebration of Health Association website

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Five Numbers That are Important for Your Health

The Toledo Blade ran an article by Allie Shah of the Minneapolis Star Tribune that listed five important health numbers. I enclose his five with my comments. Blood pressure 120/80 or less—ideally this is true, although 130/80 is acceptable. Total Cholesterol less than 200—this depends a lot on other lab factors, such as the HDL (the good part of the Total cholesterol), the triglycerides, the CRPsens, the homocystiene, and other tests. Fasting Blood Sugar less than 100—true for diabetes prevention but less than 90 to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Body Mass Index (BMI) less than 25 or Waist Size less than 35 inches for women and 40 for men—these are variations on the same factor, not to be overweight. My fifth factor would be Vitamin D3 level of greater than 60. And I would add a bonus factor of 2 ½ hours of exercise per week. See the Toledo Blade, Sept 9, 2013, Section D, page 1.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

CT scans and Cancer Risk

Statisticians have calculated that one year’s total number of CT scans performed on children create an extra 4,879 future cancers. This number could be reduced by 43% if the amount of radiation could be reduced from high doses to the average dose for these tests. Always ask, “How will a scan change my child’s medical care?” If the CT scan is clearly warranted, ask, “What are you doing to make sure that the dose of radiation is as low as possible?” CT scans produce 200 times as much radiation as chest X-rays. See Diana Miglioretti at the University of California, professor of biostatistics. Celebration of Health Association website

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Life Expectancy Increases but the U.S. Falls Behind Other Countries

In the last twenty years the U.S. life expectancy rose from 75.2 to 78.2 and the healthy life expectancy increased from 65.8 to 68.1. However, the life expectancy at birth the U.S. dropped from 20th to 27th compared to other developed countries during that time period. The healthy life expectancy in the U.S. dropped from 14th to 26th. These numbers are terrible. I am sure that we top the world in the use of prescription drugs and surgery. There is a message here that we need to make better lifestyle choices and utilize more natural treatments that are both safer and more effective. See Medical Economics, July 25, 2013, . Celebration of Health Association website

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Risk from Air Pollution Increases

Harvard School of Public Health researchers found that women who gave birth in areas where air pollution and smog were high are twice as likely to have autistic children. There are multiple risk factors and genetic factors that cause autism. Exposure to toxic chemicals through the mom’s placenta is one of these factors. Another study from Canada documented an increase in appendicitis in areas that are polluted. A third study found that there has been an increase in the long-lasting trails of smoke that jet engines leave behind them in the sky. International weather modification programs have been linked to this increase. The program can involve spraying with aluminum, barium, strontium and other toxic metals that slowly fall to the ground after being carried by wind from their targeted areas. See Andrea Roberts of the Harvard School of Public Health, Gilaad Kaplan at the University of Calgary, and Kimberly Foster of the THRIVE Movement for more information. Celebration of Health Association website

Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Potentially Big Problem With Chemotherapy

A year ago, there was an important article published in Nature Medicine by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center that showed a marked (30-fold) increase in a substance called WNT 16B in cancer patients treated with chemo. High levels of this substance decrease the resistance to cancer in previously unaffected cells. This might explain why chemo often helps initially, but if the cancer comes back it is more difficult to treat the second time. On the positive side, the spice turmeric in large doses was shown to decrease tumor size and activity in 82% of animals with breast cancer compared to 0% in patients treated with placebo. A more natural approach continues to show promise in the treatment of cancer. See Dr. Peter Nelson at (the article was quoted in JAMA) and Cancer Prev Research, October 1, 2008, p. 385-391. Celebration of Health Association website

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Weight Lifting for Parkinson’s Disease

Conventional treatment for Parkinson’s is physical therapy to achieve strengthening, flexibility and balance. It shows initial improvement but a return to baseline over a 2 year program. However, progressive resistance and increasing speed with weight lifting maintained a significant improvement over the entire 2 years. This study should change the conventional treatment for a stubborn disease. See the New England Journal of Medicine 2012;366:511-9. Celebration of Health website

Thursday, September 5, 2013


This is a series of key points from the 2013 book, Overdiagnosis, Making People Sick in the Pursuit of Health, by H. Gilbert Welch of the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy. With the sophisticated CT scans, MRIs, Ultrasounds and other screening devices we are finding more and more incidental lesions that need follow-up testing and sometimes surgeries that are not only unnecessary but also might lead to considerable expense, anxiety, and even complications. Many cancers discovered before symptoms begin might have no impact on health or lifespan because they grow so slowly. They might not otherwise be discovered before you die of something else. PSA for prostate screening and CA-125 for ovarian cancer are markers that have been shown to have little or no benefit as far as extending life. There are a few screening tests that discover abnormalities that can be modified and thus make a difference. CardioRisk for carotid plaque, colonoscopy, and breast thermography are ones that I find very helpful, but the search for “incidentalomas” can do more harm than good. CardioRisk testing at Celebration of Health on September 30th Celebration of Health Association website

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Over diagnosis—Hypertension

This is a series of key points from the 2013 book, Overdiagnosis, Making People Sick in the Pursuit of Health, by H. Gilbert Welch of the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy. There is no doubt that treatment of severe hypertension is effective in preventing heart attacks and strokes. But you should be aware that you have to treat 18 people to prevent one of these bad events if they have only mild hypertension (diastolic 90-100). That means that there is only a 6% chance of benefit. That 6% might be important for you if you are one of the victims. However, this relatively low level of risk might make you consider more natural ways to control the blood pressure, such as weight loss, stress reduction, herbs and vitamins instead of the drugs, which are more likely to cause side effects. Celebration of Health Association website

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Over diagnosis—Diabetes

This is a series of key points from the 2013 book, Overdiagnosis, Making People Sick in the Pursuit of Health, by H. Gilbert Welch of the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy. A few years back, medical authorities lowered the definition of diabetes from a fasting blood sugar of 140 to 126. That instantly created 1.7 million new cases of diabetes. Subsequent studies tried to show that strict control of the HBA1C level that measures the glucose level over a 3-month period would reduce the incidence of complications from diabetes. However, those who had HBA1C levels of 6.5 actually had an increase in certain complications over those with levels of 7.0. The logical reason (not yet proven) is that the drugs used to “over treat” these newly classified patients cause more problems than they prevent. By the way, the TACT trial on EDTA chelation therapy showed a dramatic decrease in future heart attacks for diabetic patients. Celebration of Health Association website

Friday, August 16, 2013

Over diagnosis—Osteoporosis

This is a series of key points from the 2013 book, Overdiagnosis, Making People Sick in the Pursuit of Health, by H. Gilbert Welch of the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy. In 2003 the National Osteoporosis Foundation recommended that women should be treated with meds with a dexascan T-score of -2.0 instead of the previous recommendation of -2.5. That instantly made 6.7 million new “patients” that will be treated for a lifetime. Only 5 % of those patients will turn out to be winners because the treatment will prevent them from getting a fracture that is unless they get a severe side effect from the medicine such as bone degeneration of the jaw. 44% of patients will get a fracture despite treatment, and 51% will get no benefit because they were never going to get a fracture anyway. Celebration of Health Association website

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Over diagnosis—High Cholesterol

This is a series of key points from the 2013 book, Overdiagnosis, Making People Sick in the Pursuit of Health, by H. Gilbert Welch of the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy. In the late 1990’s, a major study showed that if you lowered the average cholesterol from 228 to 184, you could lower the risk of a major cardiac event from 5% to 3%. Medical organizations hedged a bit and lowered the target cholesterol from 240 to 200. That immediately labeled 42 million U.S. citizens as new “patients”, even though only 2% of them will benefit from treatment, and 98% will receive no benefit at all. Since only 20% of cholesterol comes from the diet, most of these new patients are treated with statin drugs, which can cause significant side effects. Virtually all of the experts who made the decision to lower the target cholesterol had connections to the drug companies that make the statin drugs. A word of caution--if you have already had a heart attack, the statistics are different. Celebration of Health Association website

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Lead in the Blood Lowers Test Scores

University of Michigan School of Public Health researchers led by Nanhua Zhang found that higher levels of lead lowered test scores, even when grade level, gender, race, language, maternal education and socioeconomic status were all figured in. The CDC recently lowered the acceptable level from 10 to 5 mcg/dl. Not too long ago the normal level was 20. In reality, coauthor Michael Elliot stated, “there is no well-documented threshold for acceptable levels of lead in the body.” Children and adults accumulate lead from products made in China and from the food supply. Both should be tested and treated, if needed. Poor mental abilities are just the tip of the iceberg. Various chronic degenerative diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and autoimmune problems have also been linked to minimally elevated levels of lead. See U of Michigan School of Public Health, Doctors Zhang and Elliot. Celebration of Health Association website

Friday, July 12, 2013

Older Patients Have Sleep Problems

Dr. Nicolas Badre of the University of California, San Diego reported from the Successful Aging Evaluation study that 92.4% of 1300 patients in the study had sleep complaints. More than half used potentially harmful sleep aids, such as alcohol, OTC meds, and prescription drugs on a daily basis. There was a high correlation between poor sleep and depression. There is no easy answer to this problem. If there is snoring or frequent apnea spells noticed by a spouse, a sleep study is certainly indicated. A totally black and soundless room can be helpful, as can properly timed exercise, not too close to bedtime. TV should not be viewed in the bedroom, and alcohol is usually counter-productive. Melatonin, relaxing herbs, amino acids such as 5HTP, and essential oils can be helpful. The micro-current unit can be programed for a patient’s specific needs. We are pleased to offer this innovative device at COHA for sleep, pain relief, and other indications. See, Google micro current, or go to Celebration of Health Association website

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Statins and Coenzyme Q10

If you are taking a statin drug to lower your cholesterol, you have up to an 18% chance of developing significant myalgia, or muscle pain. That is often due to low levels of Coenzyme Q10 and is corrected by adding this important supplement. Better yet, take about 60 mg of Coenzyme Q10 as a preventative if you are taking a statin. Even if you take red yeast rice, a natural statin with much fewer side effects than the drugs, add CoQ10 as well. Low levels of the coenzyme also decrease heart muscle function. See Family Practice News, May 15, 2013, p. 3. Celebration of Health Association website

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Depression is Over-diagnosed and Over-treated

Dr. Ramin Mojtabai of Johns Hopkins School of Public Health published his study showing that only 38.4% of patients diagnosed with clinician-identified depression actually met the criteria defined by DSM-IV. Most of those patients were given anti-depressant medications, which incidentally often do not work well. This finding underscores the need to explore non-psychiatric causes of depression-like symptoms, such as yeast imbalance, hypothyroidism, and adrenal fatigue, which are often diagnosed by alternative doctors. When truly needed, anti-depressant medicines and natural products such as SAMe, 5 HTP, and St. John’s wort are important for selected patients, but if an underlying cause can be found, the results will be much better if the whole patient is treated. See mrajaramon Celebration of Health Association website

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Best Treatment for Torn Meniscus of the Knee

As part 2 of avoiding knee surgery, I want to report on a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. It compared arthroscopic surgery, which is undergone by 465,000 patients in the U.S. each year, to physical therapy without surgery. There was no difference in the functional status and pain, 6 months after the onset of the study. Once again, Prolotherapy was not included in the study, but the reported results by prolotherapists are better than either of these therapies. See the NEJM, May 2, 2013 issue and go to for more info. Celebration of Health Association website

Thursday, June 13, 2013

“Mobility Shoes” Help Arthritis of the Knee

A study by Rush University Medical Center documented an 18% reduction in the load on the knee in patients with osteoarthritis. A questionnaire showed a significant reduction in pain in patients who wore the shoes for 6 months. Osteoarthritis of the knee is a common problem that too often leads to joint replacements. Prolotherapy is an alternative approach that can strengthen the ligaments around the knee and often prevent the need for surgery. Google “mobility shoes” and go to for more info. Celebration of Health Association website

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

FDA Refuses to Recall Common Drug linked to 2367 Hemorrhages and 542 Deaths

Pradaxa (dabigatran) is an anti-clotting drug that has been touted as the replacement for Coumadin (warfarin) in patients with atrial fibrillation and other clotting risks. It has been available for 2 years at a cost of $3000 per patient, which totals about $1 billion per year. Pradaxa does reduce the incidence of strokes due to blood clots, but at the same time increase the risk of brain and GI hemorrhages, which also can be life threatening. Coumadin is not much better. It has the same complications, albeit at a slightly lower rate. Coumadin is more inconvenient because its therapeutic window is so narrow that it is difficult to find and maintain a safe and effective dose. If you do not want to take the risk, supplement combinations such as nattokinase, fish oils, and garlic can be effective with much less risk. But it is important to have a knowledgeable doctor monitor your progress. Posted on AHN-USA on April 2, 2013 in Fight Healthcare Monopolies, Reform FDA. Celebration of Health Association website

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Silver Amalgam is on its Way Out

Despite assurances from the American Dental Association that Mercury fillings are safe, their use is declining. The reason is often not concern for people’s health, but rather concern for pollution of the environment. More than 140 nations agreed in January of 2013 to a U.N. treaty calling for decreasing use of amalgam fillings. In the last 5 years, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Japan, Finland, Canada, and Germany have restricted the use of amalgams for health reasons. Be careful, though, replacing these fillings can cause toxicity. If you are concerned that you might have elevated mercury levels in your body, the best test is called the “Merc-out” test. You take a couple of pills that pull abnormal amounts of mercury into the urine, which you collect and send to the lab. High mercury levels increase the risk for many diseases. Check with a doctor listed in or to safely treat this problem. See Chicago Tribune article printed in the Toledo Blade, April 15, 2013, section D, p. 1,5. Celebration of Health Association website

High-dose Statin Drugs Lower Cholesterol But Greatly Accelerate Complications

Clinical Guidelines offer the option of using high-dose statin drugs like Crestor to lower the cholesterol as much as possible in high-risk patients. But the guideline does not actually say to prescribe the high dose. Most cardiologists use these high doses routinely. A 6-year study of 8888 patients compared low and high-dose regimens. The high-dose patients actually died slightly earlier than the low-dose patients, and they paid quite a price. The high-dose had more elevated liver enzymes (426 to 186) and stopped treatment due to major adverse events much more often (61 to 7). To be safer yet, you might want to try red yeast rice, a natural statin. See Nutrition and Healing, Vol. 13, Issue 1, February 2006, p.1-2. Celebration of Health Association website

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Increased Problems of Food and Skin Allergies Noted by the U.S. Government

The Associated Press reported the CDC’s concern that more parents are finding increased cases of food and skin allergies. “We don’t really have the answer, said Dr. Lara Akinbami of the CDC. My opinion is the answer is clearly increased exposure to toxic chemicals. Unfortunately, conventional medicine treats these problems with avoidance and steroids. The first is difficult, the second can be dangerous. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny of Cleveland developed an easy, safe, effective way to desensitize food allergies and clear up rashes like eczema. The technique is called Sensitivity Reduction Technique (SRT). It involves tapping on acupuncture points (no needles). We have used her techniques for a dozen years and we find them to be very effective. See The Toledo Blade, May 2, 2013, Section A, p. 5 for the Associated Press article. Call our office in Bluffton at 419-358-4627 for more information on SRT. Celebration of Health Association website

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Keeping Your Eyes Healthy

The AARP Bulletin had a good article about keeping your eyes healthy. In the U.S. 25 million people have cataracts, 2.5 million glaucoma, and 2 million macular degeneration. The numbers are increasing. Preventive measures are the same as for most vascular problems: Don’t smoke, eat a good diet, get regular exercise, etc. Unfortunately, the usual treatments involve drugs, shots, and surgery. Dr. Edward Konkrot, a homeopathic ophthalmologist, has developed a comprehensive natural approach that results in measured improvements in visual acuity and visual fields after the first 3 days of treatment. We are excited to be offering those treatments at COHA now. Give us a call for more information. See AARP Bulletin, May 2013. Contact COHA in Bluffton, Ohio, 419-358-4627. Celebration of Health Association website

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Intense Therapy Reduces Plaque in Diabetics

Higher dose statin drugs had a 0.17% greater reduction in arterial plaque than low-dose statins in diabetic patients, according to a report at the American College of Cardiology annual meeting. The TACT trial looking at EDTA Chelation Therapy had a much bigger improvement than that. I am not sure why most cardiologists still fail to accept such a great therapy. See Family Practice News, April 1, 2013, p. 16-17. Celebration of Health Association website

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Exercise Beats Drugs for Dementia

Dr. Deborah Barnes at the American Academy of Neurology observed that “Currently available drugs do not stop or slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. They are associated with small improvements in cognitive function but they have minimal impact on physical function, quality of life, and caregiver burden.” Exercise has benefits in all these functions in patients with mild to moderate dementia. Why isn’t regular exercise on the top line of the prescription pad? Good question. See Family Practice News, April 15, 2013, p.1, 16

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Thyroid Problems are Often Missed

Patients frequently present to doctors with complaints of fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, intolerance to cold, constipation, and sometimes depression. Doctors order routine thyroid blood tests, which turn out to be on the lower side of normal. The patients leave the doctor’s office frustrated because they were declined treatment and their symptoms persist. Holistic physicians recognize that these are indeed symptoms of hypothyroidism that need to be treated regardless of a normal TSH. Natural thyroid is prescribed and the patients improve. It is important that not too much thyroid replacement is prescribed to avoid side effects and the risk of osteoporosis. This condition might affect 27 million Americans, according to the American Council on Collaborative Medicine. See the ACCM journal, Health Sense, vol. XIX, Issue 2, p. 1-2. Celebration of Health Association website

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Autism Keeps Growing

The CDC now states that 2 per cent of American school children have been diagnosed as Autism Spectrum Disorder. There has been a 72% increase in the last 5 years. How long can we put our heads in the sand and contend that the increase is due only to more careful diagnoses? The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, scheduled to be released in April, 2013, has eliminated Asperger’s syndrome as an entity, which some fear will limit needy children from getting help. Recent reports presented at the ICIM meeting in Washington, D.C. indicated that many children in this category have both increased levels of toxic metals and a greater sensitivity to lower levels of the metals. One often-overlooked source of mercury and other metals is the mother. Higher levels of mercury have been found in umbilical cord blood. See for recordings of the Advanced Metals Workshop, March 13-14, 2013. Celebration of Health Association website

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Oregano Might Help Save our Food Supply

Antibiotics are often given to livestock to prevent infectious diseases and improve growth. Animals have been given more antibiotics by weight than humans. This has led to the development of super bugs that are resistant to common antibiotics. Recently, the FDA and CDC have both called for limiting the use of human antibiotics in food animals. Oregano has been used as a substitute for antibiotics. A New York Times article listed several companies that have found it effective. This would also decrease the development of yeast imbalance, which I find to be widespread. However, higher levels of sanitation, nutrition, and humane treatment of food animals are even more important. See Holistic Primary Care, Spring, 2013, p.10. Celebration of Health Association website

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Preserving Brain Cells with a Natural Approach

Improved cognitive function, especially memory has been shown with the supplement, apoaequorin (Prevagen) much more effectively at 40 mg a day than the over-the-counter dose of 10 mg. Interestingly, a 2009 controlled study showed that a combination of folic acid, B12, vitamin E, NAC, SAMe, and Alpha Lipoic Acid showed a 68% improvement in memory over 4 weeks of treatment, while none of the ingredients by themselves were shown to be effective. This shows the synergistic effect of multiple nutrients, a major factor that has been ignored by researchers who claim to examine the effects of nutrient therapies. See the Journal of Health, Nutrition, and Aging 2010; 14:224. Google Prevagen, Perceptiv. Celebration of Health Association website

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Two More Reasons to Consider Chelation Therapy

According to the Mayo Clinic, women aged 70-89 who suffer a heart attack have twice the risk of a significant loss of memory afterwards. The New England journal reports that patients who undergo endovascular surgery for ischemic strokes to try to relieve the blockage in the affected artery do not do as well as those who receive standard care without surgery. Why not offer these patients chelation therapy? The risk is minimal and the potential benefits are huge. Obviously, further studies are needed, but TACT has documented the benefit of chelation for heart disease. This is the tip of the iceberg. See Family Practice News, March 1, 2013, p. 38, 41. Celebration of Health Association website

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Acupuncture is Becoming Mainline Medicine

The family medicine departments at University of North Carolina and At Brown University medical schools have included acupuncture in their training of residents. Multiple papers were presented on the therapy at the annual meeting of the Primary Care Research Group last year. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine estimates that 3 million adults and 150,000 children received acupuncture treatments in 2006. I have been offering acupuncture at the COHA in Bluffton, Ohio for the last 5 years with impressive results. The greatest improvements are noted in pain syndromes, including fibromyalgia, back and neck problems, and headaches. See the Family Practice News, January, 2013, P. 1,56.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Look in the Mirror to See If You Are at Risk for Heart Disease

If you look older than your chronological age when you look in the mirror, your coronary arteries might be developing plaque at an increase rate, according to a landmark study from the Copenhagen City Heart Study, which followed patients for 35 years. Other factors that were linked to increased risk for heart attacks were crown top baldness (40%), frontal baldness (14%), ear lobe creases (11%), and white patches on the upper eyelids (35%). Those with these findings should pay close attention to other risk factors, and should consider getting chelation therapy, which is now supported by the TACT study. I have been invited to give a presentation of TACT in Copenhagen in June, 2013. See the proceedings of the American Heart Association Meeting, Nov. 4, 2012 for the skin signs of heart disease and TACT.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Fatty Liver Disease: the Silent Epidemic

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a problem that affects 20-30% of the population and up to 75% of obese patients. In some cases it can lead to hepatitis, cirrhosis, and death. Genetic factors are suspected. Often there are no symptoms until the problem is advanced because the liver can function with as little as 25% remaining intact. There is no approved treatment other than transplant. Weight loss helps some, and vitamin E 800iu daily helps normalize microscopic changes. We also see liver enzymes improve with milk thistle and alpha lipoic acid. See New England Journal of Medicine 2010;362:1675-85.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Vision Impairment Rises Rapidly in the U.S. Population

During the last decade, vision impairment due to factors other than refractive changes of ageing rose by 21%. The main suspected cause is an increase in Diabetes. 700,000 additional individuals have developed such conditions as macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cataracts. Holistic ophthalmologist Edward Konkrot has developed a comprehensive treatment to treat these conditions effectively. We at Celebration of Health Center in Bluffton, Ohio have been trained by Dr. Kondrot to provide this treatment. Call us for more information at 419-358-4627. See the NHANES survey, reported in JAMA, 2012;308:2361-8.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Bullying is a Significant Health Factor

Bullying can cause long-term health factors, such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, and suicidal ideation. Overweight children and those with food allergies are high risk to become victims. Not infrequently food allergies are a cause of obesity, one that is sometimes difficult to detect. An Elisa blood test followed by elimination and challenge can pin point the problem. We find that desensitization by tapping on acupuncture points (no needles) or by shots every two months can be very effective treatments for food allergies. See Mount Sinai’s Elliot and Roslyn Food Allergy Institute, reported in Pediatrics, Dec. 24, 2012, p. 1180.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Does Obesity Increase All-cause Mortality?—It Depends

A large study published in JAMA showed that prominent obesity (BMI >35) increased all-cause mortality, but that slight obesity (BMI >30) did not increase the risk and being just overweight (BMI >25) actually decreased all-cause mortality significantly. Thus a few extra pounds might be beneficial, but overdoing it certainly puts you at risk. Very interesting. See JAMA, January 2, 2013, p. 71-82.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Exercise Breaks Prove Valuable

According to an article in the AMA journal, moderate to vigorous exercise at regularly scheduled times for 5-10 minutes can improve health outcomes. If such breaks can be worked into the daily work schedule, it would help reduce obesity, decrease ischemic heart disease, improve mental alertness, and probably improve productivity. The article suggested that physicians lead the way to work exercise breaks into their daily schedules. See JAMA, January 9, 2013, p. 141-2.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

FDA Warns About the Safety of Metal-on-Metal Hips

Metal-on-metal hip replacements have failure rates two to three times the rate of non-metal devices. In addition, they release toxic metal ions, according to a warning released by the FDA updated in January, 2013. The warning did not include testing for toxic metals. But a simple challenge test using EDTA can test for these metals, and chelation therapy can remove them from the body, hopefully before significant damage is done. Patients with metal hips should see a doctor knowledgeable in chelation therapy as soon as possible. See the web sites of the FDA,, and

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Be Careful How You Take Calcium

Taking calcium supplements increases the risk of dying from heart disease, cardiovascular disease and cerebrovascular disease in men, but not in women. Eating foods high in calcium did not have this effect. The authors did not speculate why, but the answer should be obvious. Calcium is in balance with magnesium throughout the body. It is toxic for too much calcium to enter the cells. All we need to do is take at least half as much magnesium as calcium in our supplements, and we will get the benefits of these important elements without the risks. However, we should also avoid the high doses of calcium that have previously been recommended. I believe that up to 1000 mg of calcium balanced by 500 mg of magnesium is safe. See Qian Xiao and associates of the National Cancer Institute.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Preventing Cancer

Harvard’s Michael Gaziano was the chief investigator for a study of 15,000 physicians which showed that taking a multivitamin daily reduced the chances of cancer by 8% over a period of 10 years. Other studies have shown that a good diet, regular exercise, and not smoking each reduce the risk of cancer by 20%. Putting these altogether has a huge impact. A healthy lifestyle is the answer to cancer. See the October 18, 2012 issue of the Toledo Blade, p. 1.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Public Enemies Number 1,2,3

The Centers for Disease Control have stated that Public Enemies 1 and 2 are tobacco smoking and uncontrolled blood pressure. I agree with these assessments, but what is Number 3? In my opinion, it is iatrogenics. Iatrogenic means caused by the physician. That includes mistakes, drug interactions, drug side effects, complications from surgeries, and omissions. Conventional physicians have chosen a high-risk path when they limit themselves to potentially toxic drugs and surgery. Prevention, nutrition, exercise, stress reduction, supplements, and many other low-risk, effective therapies are available and should all be considered and perhaps tried before riskier therapies are offered.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

When the Elderly Begin High BP Meds, the Incidence of Hip Fractures Soars

Hip fractures is one of the leading causes of death, and thus should be carefully avoided. The incidence of hip fractures rose by 53% within 45 days of beginning the common BP meds, ACE-inhibitors or beta-blockers in older patients who were not residing in nursing homes. The most obvious reason might be postural hypotension and resulting light-headedness. Blood pressure needs to be controlled but medications should be added very carefully. Perhaps more natural substances or low dose meds should be given initially to ease the transition. See Family Practice News, November, 2012, p.1,6.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Should Flu Vaccines Be Required?

More and more workplaces and childhood immunization clinics require annual flu shots. Approximately 42% of the general public and 67% of health care workers were vaccinated last year. 65% of those older than 65 years were vaccinated, but this was a drop from 74% in 2008-2009. Many physicians refuse to get the shot, some even when their job is threatened. Despite claims that it does not happen, many people get sick after receiving a shot. Other side effects are rare but devastating when they occur. The shots are not completely effective, and most of them contain either mercury or aluminum as a preservative. In my experience, homeopathic preparations such as “colds and flu” and mucococcinium appear to be effective without risk of side effects. Washing hands, being careful of coughs and sneezes, and the prompt use of herbal anti-virals when needed appear to be effective measures. Vitamin C IVs also can be helpful when needed. Here are links to a few websites, there are many more when searching the pros and cons of immunizations Dr. Chappell's website

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Either Too Much or Too Little Sleep Increases Your Risk

Dr. Rohit Arora of the NHANES database and the Chicago Medical School stated that either less than 6 hours or more than 8 hours of sleep per night can double your risk of heart disease. The mechanism is not clear but is thought to be related to autonomic dysfunction, glucose intolerance, or blood pressure and cortisol variance. See the 2007-8 Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Vitamin C and Weight Loss

Dr. Russ Jaffe of Perque Integrative Health has pointed out two articles in the recent scientific literature that describe the role of vitamin C and weight loss. The first is attributed to Vitamin C’s production of carnitine in the body. Carnitine is an amino acid that aids in fat transportation and metabolism. The second showed that individuals with high vitamin C status are much more efficient at oxidizing fat with exercise. Thus those low in vitamin C have much more difficulty burning off fat. See

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tap Water Consumption Related to Food Allergies

Researchers from Albert Einstein School of Medicine tested the urine of 2000 patients for dichlorophenols. This chemical is contained in pesticides and in tap water that has been treated with chlorine. Patients with the highest levels were 80% more likely to have food allergies. Over the last 15 years, the incidence of food allergies has increased at least 20%. Food allergies are more likely if digestion of proteins is inadequate. Digestion is adversely affected when probiotic bacteria are decreased, and guess which chemical kills off the good bacteria. By the way, food allergies are treatable by a complex protocol of stimulating acupressure points developed by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny in Cleveland, called SRT (Sensitivity Reduction Technique). We have been using SRT for the past decade with impressive results. See The Week. December 21, 2012, p. 17.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Half of All Heart Attack Victims Had Normal Cholesterol

Too great an emphasis of treatment in this country focuses only on controlling cholesterol. Lifestyle factors are also very important. Some of the most overlooked factors are metabolic risk factors, such as obesity, oxidized fats, insulin sensitivity, and even slight increases in glucose in the blood. Two herbal supplements help control these metabolic factors and should be considered as supplements for those at risk: berberine and grape seed extract. For more information, go to Disclosure: I have no financial connection to this company.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Americans are in Worse Health and Die Younger then Citizens of Other Countries

A new study by the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council compared U.S. health markers and death rates for people of all ages to those of 17 other developed countries. American men ranked last in the study and women were next to the last. Car accidents, gun violence, and drug overdoses were major contributors for those less than 50 y.o. We had more than twice as many homicide deaths related to guns than any other country. Chronic diseases, especially heart disease, were also more prevalent in the U.S. We need a lot more emphasis on prevention, and a greater utilization of safer, more natural medicine. See January 10 issue of New York Times and report from the Institutes of Medicine.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Concentrated Dark Chocolate Can Help Your Heart if You Can Stand the Taste

Dr. Roger Corder of Queen Mary University of London reported from a randomized, double-blind study that daily consumption of a 50 Gm dark chocolate bar with 1094 mg of flavonoids lowered the diastolic blood pressure by 5 mg and reduced the brain natriuretic peptide marker for congestive heart failure by 39% over 4 weeks of treatment. The bad news was that the average dark chocolate bar contains only 312 mg of flavonoids per 50 Gm. And the worse news was that even the patients that finished the study complained about the taste. The company that sponsored the study is working on that. See Family Practice News, December, 2012, p. 9.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hypertension a Missed Diagnosis in Young Adults

Dr. Heather Johnson opened eyes at the American Heart Association meeting this fall by finding that 65% of patients in the age groups of 18-31 y.o. who had hypertension documented in patient records over a 4 year period remained undiagnosed and untreated. Many others in all age groups are classified as untreated prehypertension (BP between 130/80 and 140/90). Hypertension leads to heart disease and strokes. Weight loss, low salt diet, and exercise are initial treatments. But nutritional supplements and/or medications are often needed as well. See Family Practice News, December, 2012, p. 1,8.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

If You Have Diabetes, Would You Rather Have Bypass Surgery or Chelation Therapy?

The New England Journal of Medicine had a recent article comparing angioplasty with stents to bypass surgery (CABG) for patients with diabetes and vascular disease. The end points were a composite of death from any cause, nonfatal heart attack, and nonfatal stroke. Conventional medical therapy was continued as well. The study showed that CABG had fewer deaths and heart attacks but more strokes. These end points were included in the Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT), and those patients who were given EDTA chelation therapy had significantly fewer cardiac events. Diabetic patients with vascular disease did better than the rest of the patients. I believe it would save lives and improve the quality of life for patients at risk if the TACT results were promptly put into the accepted practice of medicine. The experience of our clinic over the last 30 years has shown that all vascular patients, including diabetics, do very well with chelation therapy, even when other therapies have not been effective. See ME Farhouh and associates. N Engl J Med 2012; 367:2375-2384. Contact Dr. Chappell's office for more info on chelation therapy.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Toxic Metals and Cardiovascular Disease

Peter Jennrich has written and distributed an insightful article showing how arsenic, lead, and mercury influence the development of cardiovascular disease. These toxic metals are commonly found in our environment. They increase free radicals, which leads to lipid peroxidation and other mechanisms that damage vascular endothelium, raise blood pressure, and increase mortality from cardiovascular disease. Jennrich cites 132 references that document this connection, and yet conventional medicine refuses to recognize, detect, or treat this emerging epidemic. I believe that all adult patients and selected children should be screening with a metals challenge test to see if they are collecting toxic metals. If these metals are found, various chelating procedures are available to remove them from the body. The Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT) showed a reduction in cardiac events for patients with known heart disease treated with EDTA chelation therapy. See P Jennrich. The Influence of Arsenic, Lead, and Mercury on the Development of Cardiovascular Disease. ISRN Hypertension, Vol 2013, article ID 234034. Contact for more info on EDTA chelation therapy.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Benefits of Mammograms Questioned

In order to reduce mortality, a procedure must detect a tendency towards a life-threatening illness early enough so that the treatment alters the course of the disease. An article in the New England Journal of Medicine put mammograms to that test over the last 30 years. The surprising conclusion was that “screening (mammograms) is having, at best, only a small effect on the death rate from cancer.” It was found that 122 excess cases of early breast cancer were detected for every 100,000 screened, but only 8 of those were expected to progress to advanced disease that was life-threatening. On the other hand 1.3 million women were incorrectly diagnosed with breast cancer in those 30 years due to mammography. Not mentioned by the authors was that thermography is an alternative way to screen for the tendency to develop breast cancer before a cancer has a chance to form. Aggressive nutritional management might then prevent breast cancer. Thermography does not utilize radiation or compression, and is the preferred screening option for most women at our clinic. See A Bleyer and HG Welch, N Engl J Med 2012;367:1998-2005 or for more information on thermography or

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Expensive Drugs are Driving the Health Care Cost Crisis

Commonly used name-brand prescription drugs increased in cost at twice the rate of inflation between 2005 and 2010, according to a report by AARP. This means an average increase of $1000 per year for a single drug. The biggest increase was in 2009. An important factor in reducing health care costs should be a switch to natural therapies whenever possible. Nutrient, homeopathic, and herbal therapies are often just as effective, much safer, and less costly than prescription drugs. Work with your holistic practitioner to get good results at less cost. See our web site

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Adult Acne is More Common in Women than Men

Adult acne can be a frustrating problem, especially for women. 26% of women aged 40-49 and 15% in greater than 50 y.o. Usual treatments may include ongoing oral antibiotics, oral contraceptives, and the diuretic spironolactone. We find that the vitamin pantothenic acid can be just as effective without the risk of side effects. Often long-term control can be achieved with laser treatments. Smoothbeam laser for details.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

There are Different Subtypes of Rosacea, Treat Them All the Same

Dermatologists debate the various subtypes of acne rosacea and their varying mechanisms of action but treatment recommendations are the same, oral tetracycline and either oral or topical metronidazole. These medications can be helpful in controlling this very frustrating problem, but they also can cause significant side effects, mostly due to yeast overgrowth. Our experience shows that 3 or 4 laser treatments at monthly intervals can wipe out the rosacea process for many months. Patients are delighted with these results, and there are no side effects to worry about. Smoothbeam laser website for more details.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Bypass Beats Stents, but Why Not Treat with Chelation?

A 4-year follow-up study ASCERT, showed that bypass surgery had a16% mortality and stents had a 20 % death rate, showing that the more invasive surgery was slightly more effective. However, the TACT study presented at the American Heart Association meeting on November 4, 2012 showed that both surgeries can be avoided in a significant number of cases with EDTA chelation therapy. Which would you prefer? See the ASCERT study in the New England Journal of Medicine, March 27, 2012 issue, and the news release from the American Heart Association meeting in Los Angeles, November 4, 2012.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Cardiac Arrhythmia Linked to Strokes After Age 75

Almost half of patients greater than 75 y.o. who suffered strokes also had atrial fibrillation (AF). Patients with AF should be treated with anticoagulants to prevent blood clots. Thus beginning at age 75, patients should be considered higher risk and screened with physical exams and possible EKGs. Sometimes patients with AF can be treated effectively with natural products such as nattokinase and fish oils instead of the riskier drugs such as Coumadin and Plavix. See Drs. Jacob Haft and Louis Teichholz at the Hackensack (NJ) University Medical Center, presented by poster at the International Stroke Conference, 2012.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Eight Common Procedures that Physicians and Patients Should Question

The American Academy of Family Physicians has put out a list of medical procedures that are usually unnecessary and might be hazardous: 1. Don’t do x-rays for low back pain in the first 6 weeks of discomfort. 2. Don’t use antibiotics for sinusitis at least for 7 days. 3. Pap smears for women under 21 y.o. and those with hysterectomies are unnecessary. 4. Dexa scans for osteoporosis screening should not start before age 65 for women and 70 for men if there are no significant risk factors. 5. Do not do baseline EKGs or screening exercise EKGs in low risk patients. 6. For patients who have passed out without neurologic signs, MRI and CT scans are unnecessary. 7. A D-dimer blood test is much more cost-effective than expensive imaging in checking for a blood clot in the leg. 8. Preoperative evaluations need not include a chest x-ray. See

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Magnesium Lower Blood Pressure

British investigator Lindsy Kass and associates did a meta-analysis (study of studies) on the use of magnesium in doses greater than 370 mg a day to treat hypertension. Magnesium was effective in lowering BP by 3-4 mg. The higher the dose the greater the effect. However, if you take too high a dose, you can get diarrhea. Magnesium might not be enough of a treatment by itself, but as an adjunct, it might be very helpful. See Lindsy Kass at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK, reported in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition and in Holistic Primary Care, summer, 2012, p. 10.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Healing the NSAID Nation

Patients use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for over-the-counter pain relief and doctors encourage it, resulting in 20,000 deaths and 100,000 hospitalizations every year. This class of drugs includes virtually all pain-relieving drugs except acetaminophen and low dose aspirin: Indomethacin, ibuprofen, naproxen, celecoxib, Aleve, Motrin, etc. Holistic medicine offers many alternatives that often work as well and are much, much safer. Different patients respond better to different products. Start with curcumin, boswellia, ginger, black pepper, or fish oil. A holistic practitioner can give you guidance for effective treatment. See Sunil Pai of the Sanjevani Integrative Medicine in Albuquerque ( As reported in Holistic Primary Care, summer, 2012, p. 1,6.