Thursday, December 27, 2012

Have a SAFE and Happy New Year!

Allergies Might be More Dangerous than Just a Nuisance

Common airborne allergies have been linked to a slightly higher incidence of leukemia and lymphoma. They also have been possibly connected to autoimmune diseases, and many allergic people suffer from chronic sinusitis. Taking daily antihistamines might help the symptoms, but there is no evidence that they prevent complications. It really makes sense to desensitize if you have allergies, which evidently can compromise the immune system. We find that Sensitivity Reduction Therapy (SRT), which combines five therapies into one using acupressure without needles and low-dose allergen treatment (LDA) have helped many people, even those who have failed conventional allergy shots. Contact our office for details. See the poster presentation by Emily White on the VITAL study, presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology in Chicago, 2012. Contact our office at in Bluffton, Ohio and Toledo, Ohio 419-358-4627.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

We Wish Everyone a Happy and Healthy Merry Christmas!

Glutathione as a Powerful Antioxidant and Detoxifier in a Healthy Body

As an antioxidant, glutathione is the body’s strongest defense against oxidative stress that damages cell membranes. Oxidative stress has been linked to degenerative diseases, heart disease, cancer, memory and other neurologic problems, autoimmunity, arthritis, diabetes, and premature aging. Glutathione is the only antioxidant that works with enzymes throughout the body. It also binds to many chemical toxins including heavy metals and helps remove them from the body. There are tests to measure glutathione activity but they are not very reliable. Glutathione is poorly absorbed in the gut, but adding certain lipid factors can help. Certain nutrients can enhance the body’s glutathione activity, such as n-acetyl cysteine (NAC), selenium and vitamin E with mixed tocopherals. Intravenous glutathione can positively stimulate immune function and enhance healing. See Guilford, Tim. What Every Doctor Should Know About Glutathione. Holistic Primary Care, Fall 2012. P. 8.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Acupuncture Scores Well to Treat Chronic Pain

A meta-analysis (study of 31 studies) published in the Archives of Internal Medicine showed that patients treated with acupuncture had lower pain scores than those who received needles in areas of the body that do not have acupuncture points. Conditions treated included back and neck pain, osteoarthritis, chronic headaches and shoulder pain. These studies were difficult to perform because there are so many areas of the body that contain acupuncture points. We find that by placing acupuncture needles comprehensively, we see more dramatic results, quicker and more effectively than reported in this study. See Vickers AJ, Acupuncture for Chronic Pain. Arch Int Med, published on-line Sept, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Berberine is a Remarkable Herbal Therapy

For many years, berberine has been used as an antimicrobial agent. One of its advantages is that it can fight intestinal infections or imbalances without facilitating yeast overgrowth. In fact, it might help fight off yeast problems. Berberine might help improve fatty liver disease and restore normal intestinal function. Recently, higher doses of this very safe herb can reduce cholesterol and control blood sugar, especially in patients with metabolic syndrome. Many additional indirect benefits might occur from its improvement of digestive function, where a good portion of the immune system is located. Be careful if you are pregnant or nursing, though. It has not been cleared a safe during pregnancy. from Sept. 18, 2012 online newsletter

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Stay healthy this winter! We recommend taking mucco coccinum every 2 weeks, Vitamin D, 3000-5000 units per day, Vitamin C, 1000-3000 mg per day taken on a regular basis, and Monolaurin if you get sick. We also carry preservative free flu shots. All we carry in our office.

Who Needs Flu Shots?

Just at a time when more employers are requiring their employees to get flu shots, University of Wisconsin researchers published a study in the Annals of Family Medicine that showed you can do better by meditating or getting regular exercise. Following 149 individuals for 21 months, they found that the control group had cold or flu symptoms 453 days and missed work 67 days. Those who meditated regularly had symptoms 257 days and missed only 16 days of work. The exercise group reported 241 days of sickness and missed 32 work days. Flu shots are only partially effective and overall do no better than practicing a healthy lifestyle. See July issue of Annals of Family Medicine. See my Healthy Note posting

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Can Exercise Be Dangerous?

A New York Times article reported on the findings of Dr. Claude Bouchard, a famous proponent of regular exercise. Between 7 and 10% of patients who underwent rigorous exercise had increases in known risk factors such as cholesterol and blood pressure. However, another 10% had dramatic improvements in the similar risk factors. More importantly, only surrogate end points were examined. The study was not long enough to look at definitive end points such as death and heart attacks. Sometimes, people in rigorous studies have dramatic changes in body biochemistry that are not clinically significant. It would seem prudent to continue to recommend at least 150 minutes of exercise a week, and if the person is feeling well with higher degrees of exercise and wants to continue, I would say go ahead. But maybe watch your risk factors a little more closely. See PLoS One, May 30, 2012 and NY Times, May 31, 2012.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Treat or Prevent Depression without Drugs

Dr. Jonathan Wright for many years has pointed out that the three drug categories that conventional medicine uses to treat depression all try to increase the amount of neurotransmitters in the body. They often do not work very well and side effects are not uncommon. A better answer is to measure the amino acids in the urine, and replace the ones that are low. The body then uses these additional amino acids to make more of the deficient neurotransmitters that are needed. Two of the key amino acids that are usually low are tryptophan and phenylalanine. Sounds simple, and it usually works, without side effects. See Jonathan Wright’s Nutrition and Healing, Volume 18, issue 8, October, 2011.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Blood Viscosity Explains Many of the Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease

Drs. Ralph Holsworth and Jonathan Wright presented a fascinating explanation of how risk factors work in the body. Hypertension, low HDL, high LDL, high triglycerides, diabetes, obesity, age and the male gender all have increased viscosity of the blood. This means the blood is sluggish and clots more easily. These doctors measure blood viscosity with a specialized test in their offices. They have found that blood donation, therapeutic phlebotomy, nattokinase and fish oil can all reduce viscosity and thus lower the risk. See Holistic Primary Care, Spring, 2012, p. 1, 10-11.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Lavender Outperforms Lorazepam for Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Several studies have shown that Lavender improved anxiety symptoms and led to remission at least as well and sometimes better than 0.5 mg of lorazepam. Lavender can be given as an oral supplement or as an essential oil aromatherapy. Other herbs have also shown good calming effects, including Kava, St. John’s Wort, passaflora, valerian, rescue remedy, and hops. The herbal preparations usually do not cause as much drowsiness and are not addicting like the benzodiazepam drugs. See Holistic Primary Care, Spring 2012, p. 1.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Complementary Treatments for Pain Can be Very Effective

Acupuncture, magnets, lasers, prolotherapy, and the pain neutralization technique developed by Dr. Steve Kaufman all can be as effective as potent drugs and much safer. The annual cost of chronic pain in treatments and lost productivity is $635 billion. We can do much better than drugs and surgery, most of the time. Come and see a complementary physician. International College of Integrative Medicine and the American College of Advancement in Medicine.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Soup Can be a Great Food, as Long as it is not Canned

A Harvard study showed that patients who ate soup from a can had 1221% higher levels of BPA (biphenol A) than those who ate home-made. This is an important toxin that can mess with your immune system and your endocrine glands. Even organic soup from a can contains high levels of BPA. Thanks to Robert Rowen, who pointed this out, based on a November 2011 study from JAMA.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Younger Women are At Increasing Risk of Strokes

University of Cincinnati neurologist Brett Kissela reports that more and more women are having strokes at a younger age. The incidence has increased by 6% over the last 20 years. Now nearly one in five people who suffer strokes are under the age of 55. Risk factors such as hypertension, obesity, smoking and inactivity are being blamed. Carotid artery screening programs such as CardioRisk and Lifeline are readily available. I recommend them for all patients 45 y.o. and up. If plaque is starting to develop, aggressive lifestyle changes are in order, and many might consider intravenous chelation therapy for more definitive prevention. See, quoted in The Week, November 2, 2012, p.23. CardioRisk testing is scheduled for March 12, 2013 at Celebration of Health Association, you do not need to be a patient.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


A late breaking clinical trial assessing chelation therapy (TACT) as a treatment for patients with previous heart attacks showed a significant reduction in subsequent cardiac events, especially the need for cardiac surgery. Intravenous EDTA chelation therapy has been controversial for many years. Numerous studies by proponents of the therapy have shown benefit. Several small clinical trials by cardiovascular surgeons looking at test results have been negative. TACT is the first study to examine solid cardiac events such as death, heart attacks, strokes, the need for cardiac surgery and hospitalization for uncontrolled angina. 170/ patients were given 55,222 infusions at 134 centers in the US and Canada in a randomized, placebo controlled format. The conclusions were that chelation was very safe and that EDTA chelation showed a statistically significant reduction in cardiac events, especially in the need for revascularization surgery (bypass, and angioplasty with stents). Further study was encouraged to confirm the results and to explore the mechanism of action. or

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Two Great Treatments for Herniated Discs in the Low Back

Decompression therapy, which is a very precise form of traction that rehydrates the disc and pulls it back into alignment, can be very effective. At least 20 treatments are required, and the cost can run anywhere from $75 to 200 per treatment. Prolotherapy is a series of injections that stimulates a regrowth and stabilization of the ligaments in the back. This can eliminate inflammation and support the discs just fine. Depending on how many treatments are required, the cost is similar to that of decompression therapy. We have both therapies available in our office and are pleased with both. IDD therapy

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Can Mammograms Cause Breast Cancer?

As we finish Breast Cancer Awareness month in October, a research study published in the British Medical Journal showed that mammograms might actually raise the risk if developing breast cancer in patients that have a genetic risk of the disease. Gene mutations can result from radiation exposure, especially in younger women. The American Cancer Society states that for women at risk, MRI exams might be a safer test. Unfortunately, no mention was made of thermography, which is safer yet and a good way to screen for early signs or even further predisposition to breast cancer. Thermograms are also much less expensive. See Associated Press and British Medical Journal articles in mid-October, 2012.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ugly Scars Can be Treated Effectively

Hypertrophic and keloid scars can be tender and can decrease a person’s self-esteem. Intra-lesional of steroids and sometimes the anti-cancer drug, 5 FU are sometimes helpful. However, I have seen good results by injecting with a simple local anesthetic, which opens the cell membranes and promotes healing. Lasers can be helpful. I prefer the more gentle effects of cold lasers to the hot lasers, which burn the scar and can result in new keloid formation as the lesion heals. See, August, 2012, p. 43.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Screening EKG’s Might Do More Harm than Good

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force now recommends that baseline and screening EKG’s cause harm by leading to risky, expensive further tests that usually lead to nowhere. At the top of the risk list are high-dose radiation that can lead to cancer and kidney damage, especially in patients that do not have multiple risk factors for heart disease. They recommend a good history and physical as the best, safest, and cost-effective screening tool. See the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force 2012.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Muscle Disorders when Taking Statin Drugs Might have Another Cause

There are several mechanisms for muscle pain, weakness and neuropathies when patients take statin drugs to control their cholesterol levels, some minor and others life-threatening if the drug is continued. Sometimes the cause might be niacin or other drugs given with the statin. But perhaps the most common underlying cause is hypothyroidism. Low thyroid function is perhaps the most common missed diagnosis in middle-aged and older adults, and it can be unmasked by the initiation of a statin. See Myopathy at Statin Start May Have Another Cause at, August, 2012, p. 39.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Exercise is at Least as Good as Drugs for Depression in Patients with Heart Disease

A four-month study of patients with coronary heart disease who also had significant depression showed the patients on a regular exercise program of only 90 minutes per week improved significantly more than those taking anti-depressant drugs. The drugs also had more side effects, especially fatigue. Drugs work for some people but there are other options to try that can be very effective and safer, including lifestyle changes, herbs, nutrients, and homeopathics. From the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, August 1, 2012.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Food Poisoning Increases Heart Attack Rise

An Ontario study examined the long-term effects of 2300 people who suffered from a food-bearing outbreak of E.Coli. Those who developed several days of diarrhea had a 340% increased risk of kidney problems, a 210% increased risk of heart attack and a 33% increased risk of hypertension. Many of the subjects had only minor symptoms of the acute illness. So if you have ever had food poisoning, be on the alert for these problems down the road. No therapy was suggested by the study, but I would think that milk thistle to detox and chelation to preserve heart and kidney function should be considered. See the Walkerton Health Study reported in the April 2012 issue of Scientific American.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Hazards of Dense Breasts

Four states now require that women who have dense breasts be told that mammograms are not good enough to detect early cancers. Another study at least showed that women with dense breasts are not more or less likely to develop cancer. Radiologists do not know what to do, but the answer is simple. Screen with thermograms, which are just as accurate whether the breasts are dense or not. See Associated Press article in The Toledo Blade, August 21, 2012.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Morton’s Neuroma-a safe solution

Often when Morton’s Neuroma is found causing pain between the toes, surgery is performed. Scar tissue can lead to persistent pain, even after an operation. Injections of dextrose (prolotherapy) has been shown to get rid of the pain without surgery. Other foot problems, such as bunions, fasciitis and ankle injuries also can respond to prolotherapy. See: Sept. 14, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What to do About Heart Attacks

Atherosclerosis, which causes heart attacks and strokes, is associated with living in a modern, industrialized country. It is responsible for 29% of all deaths in the U.S. and the price tag for treatment approaches $250 billion per year with associated costs like loss of work adding another $400 billion. Yes we need lifestyle control, but we also need to accept chelation therapy in order to get an effective way to control this epidemic. See A Few Unpleasant Facts About Arteriosclerotic Arterial Disease in the USA and the World. American Journal of Medicine. Sept. 2012, p 839-40.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Weight Lifting for Parkinson’s Disease

Conventional treatment for Parkinson’s is physical therapy to achieve strengthening, flexibility and balance. It shows initial improvement but a return to baseline over a 2 year program. However, progressive resistance and increasing speed with weight lifting maintained a significant improvement over the entire 2 years. This study should change the conventional treatment for a stubborn disease. See the New England Journal of Medicine 2012;366:511-9.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Obesity Targeted by the AMA

The AMA annual House of Delegates meeting considered a resolution that obesity should be classified as a disease on par with diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis with separate coding and reimbursement. Because of a divided opinion, the classification change was referred back to committee for further study. This was evidence that the AMA is taking the problem seriously, especially as a health hazard. See Family Practice News, July 2012, p. 18.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Cranberry Juice Protects Against Urinary Tract Infections

A meta-analysis (study of studies) from Taiwan confirmed the 2008 USA Cochran analysis that cranberry juice and suitable extracts are effective in preventing urinary tract infections. Hopefully, this will bring this supplement into common use for this purpose. It is another example of how reluctant mainstream medicine is to accept natural products. See Chih-Hung Wang of Taiwan in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

COPD is the Fourth Leading Cause of Death

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is not only common but it is also the most widely under-diagnosed serious illness, especially for women under the age of 65. A simple breathing test can make the diagnosis. Asthma is characterized by some degree of reversible airway disease. Emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and pulmonary fibrosis are irreversible variations of COPD. Flare-ups of chronic lung disease accelerate the problem and increase the risk. Medications are available to treat the symptoms. But nutrients might be more effective for preventing infections and exacerbations. Herbal preparations such as virapress are particularly effective. Food allergy assessment and treatment and the Kaufman technique to dissolve trigger points are very good to treat asthma. See the report in Family Practice News, June 15, 2012 issue, p. 1 & 6 on the annual meeting of the American College of Physicians.

ADHD Diagnosis on the Rise

Between 2009 and 2010 the percentage of poor children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity increased from 8 to 12% with a corresponding increase in stimulant drugs as a treatment. Every year, my assistant and I do a good number of physicals for midget football. This year I noticed a good sized jump in the number of kids on these drugs, compared to 2011. It is a shame that Medicaid and most insurances do not cover food allergy blood tests for these kids. Identifying food reactions, along with vitamin B12 and fish oils would go a long way toward solving this difficult problem without the drugs. See Family Practice News, July 2012, p. 6-7.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Food Allergies and GERD

Researchers at Northwestern University found that food allergies were a significant cause of esophagitis due to reflux disease. Patients were put on an elimination diet, avoiding common allergic foods, including wheat, milk, eggs, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish and other fish. Testing of eosinophils, a type of white blood cell that serves as a marker for IGE-mediated allergies, showed a significant improvement with the diet. They were puzzled that very few of the patients showed positive skin tests for allergies to these foods, but they claimed to have the first prospective study that documented food allergies as a cause of this important problem. Certainly, they should have given some credit to integrative physicians who have treated GERD with blood testing of IGG-mediated food allergies, followed by a specific elimination diet, with great success for many years. Apparently the professors did not realize that IGG testing does not show up in skin testing, but instead requires the blood test for antibodies. See Family Practice News, June 15, 2012, p. 15.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Belly Fat Carries an Increased Risk for Major Diseases

The cut-off point that increases your risk is 35 inches for women and 40 inches for men at the waistline. The risk is for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, certain cancers, and Alzheimer’s disease. The risk is higher if your weight is in the belly, rather than the hips and legs. The mechanism lies with certain hormones, such as insulin and estrogen, and alterations in triglycerides. The cure is with diet and exercise. Kerry Stewart and associates of Johns Hopkins Medical School found that a healthy low carb diet might be more effective than other weight loss regimes for belly fat. If you do everything right and still do not lose, the HCG diet almost always works (500 calories a day for 23-40 days, and you don’t usually get hungry). See AARP Bulletin, July/Aug, 2012 issue, p. 8-13.

Monday, August 20, 2012

What Foods Are Most Important to Eat Organically?

The Environmental Working group of the U.S. Department of Agriculture has listed the foods most likely to contain toxic pesticides. If you have to prioritize, these are the ones to seek out of the organic section (in order): apples, celery, strawberries, peaches, spinach, nectarines, grapes, bell peppers, potatoes, lettuce, blueberries, and kale. Of course, the more organic, the better, but it is not easy to be perfect. See Psychology Today, July/Aug issue, 2012, 41-43.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

How to Survive a Heart Attack

The International College of Clinical Metal Toxicology reminds us of the advice of Virend Somers, a Mayo Clinic Cardiologist. Most heart attacks occur in the morning. Especially of you snore, get tested for sleep apnea. We now have portable units that allow you to do the test at home in your own bed. If you take aspirin or other platelet inhibitors such as fish oil or nattokinase, the best time to take them is probably at bedtime, when these agents are at their highest effect. Keep dissolvable aspirin at your bedside. If you have chest pressure or pain, chin pain, excessive sweating, nausea or profound weakness (pain is not a requirement), take two low dose aspirins with a little water and sit up, while someone calls the EMS (lying down increases the risk). Soon after you are sent home from the hospital, see a doctor who offers chelation therapy to prevent complications or a recurrence. See Somers V. J American College of Cardiology, July 29, 2008 and International College of Clinical Metal Toxicology, Peter van der Schaar, President.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

GMO’s are Spreading Like Wildfire

Jonathan Wright’s newsletter has exposed the prevalence and danger of Genetically Modified Foods, courtesy of mega-corporations, such as Monsanto with Roundup. Such chemicals alter the genes of natural foods to increase their shelf lives and make them more resistant to disease. The problem is that undesirable alterations occur at the same time. Kidney and liver deterioration and abnormal lipid changes might occur. Further, if we eat GMO foods, we might create gene alterations in our own bodies. Common GMO foods are alfalfa, canola, corn, papaya, soy, sugar beets and squashes. Meat, milk and eggs might contain GMOs due to being fed GMO crops. Pending legislation in California could require that GMOs be labeled. Who would eat them if one had a choice? See Nutrition and Healing online @, July issue.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

We are Still Getting Sunburns at an Alarming Rate

Despite increased use of sunscreen and wearing of hats and long sleeved clothes, 51% of women and 49% of men reported getting at least one significant sunburn during the previous year. This puts people at risk of skin cancer. The safest habit to promote is to be out in the sun for shorter times and perhaps at off-peak hours of the day. We certainly need the vitamin D production from sun exposure, but burning is to be avoided. See the Healthy People Objectives 2020 from the CDC.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Heavy Smoking Can Lead to Major Depression

The risk for major depression was 27% in heavy smokers, compared to 7% in patients who previously smoked but had quit. Heavy smokers were defined as those who smoke a pack a day or more. It was not clear if smoking caused the depression or if patients genetically prone to depression were also prone to smoking, but the association added one more risk factor to this deadly habit. See Salma Khaled at the University of Calgary, J. Psychiatric Research 2012;46:436-43.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Increasing Case Reports of Measles in the U.S.

Last year there were 222 measles cases reported to the CDC, compared to an average of 60 cases per year during the last decade. Most of the cases were in unvaccinated patients or in those in which the vaccine status was unknown. However, 90% of the cases were associated with importation from other countries. Increasing numbers of parents are refusing or delaying immunizations due to perceived risks of autism and autoimmune diseases. Despite reassurances from the CDC and most doctors that vaccines are “safe”, there are risks, especially when multiple vaccines are given at the same time. Delaying vaccines, spreading them out, and using homeopathics to prevent complications are prudent measures. Avoiding vaccines in children who may be at risk of autism is a parental choice that should be respected. Such a small increase in reported cases of measles is not cause for alarm. See the CDC Weekly Report, 2012;61:253-7.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Subclinical Hypothyroidism

Treatment with thyroid replacement (T4) reduced the risk of all-cause mortality and heart disease, the latter by 39%, in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism, a condition that many doctors have refused to treat. A British study reported in the Archives of Internal Medicine has laid to rest a long-standing controversy on whether this condition should be treated. Millions of patients who have symptoms of low thyroid but whose blood tests are in the normal range need to be treated. T4 has to be converted into T3 to be active, and not everyone makes this conversion efficiently. Therefore, I prefer a T4/T3 combination treatment, which occurs in natural thyroid preparations. See Family Practice News, May 1, 2012, p. 22.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Osteoarthritis is Linked to Heart Disease

A Canadian study showed that patients with arthritis had an increased risk of heart disease. The highest association was 41% in women younger than 65 y.o. but both men and women were affected. The reason was not clear, but the authors speculated that less physical activity or the drugs prescribed for arthritis caused the increased risk. These mechanisms could be avoided by using natural therapies like glucosamine and emphasizing more creative forms of exercise like swimming and mini-trampolines. From the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Rheumatology Assoc., reported in Family Practice News, May 1, 2012, p. 1.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Threshold for Lead Poisoning in Children Lowered by the CDC

Almost twice as many children, an estimated 450,000, are now classified as lead toxic, since the CDC lowered the blood threshold from 10 mcg/dl to 5. Most affected children are undiagnosed. There is no safe level of lead, which can lead to mental retardation and an increased risk for various chronic diseases. Even more affected children would be found if a challenge test were performed to detect lead that is stored in the body 2 weeks after exposure. Even those who are detected are rarely treated by oral chelating substances, which are effective. Mercury toxicity is also common, but largely ignored by conventional medicine. The most obvious consequences of toxic metals are the autism spectrum disorders, but that is being swept under the rug. Wake up, America, your kids are being poisoned. See Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, report on lead toxicity, January, 2012.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Female Hormone Therapy Shown to be Safe

The massive Women’s Health Initiative from Harvard showed that postmenopausal women who had hysterectomies and took estrogen had a lower incidence of breast cancer than those who took placebos. This should be comforting to those who take hormone replacement for an average of 6 years to control disturbing menopausal symptoms. Two important caveats: avoid synthetic progestins (Provera), which are dangerous, and I believe that natural hormones from soy or yams are safer yet than Premarin, which is an extract from horse urine. See Lancet on line, March 6, 2012.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Lifestyle Strikes Again

The NHANES study looked at 7 lifestyle goals: not smoking, being physically active, eating a healthy diet, not being overweight and having normal blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Only 2% achieved all seven goals, but those who did had a 51% less chance of dying from any cause and a 76% less chance of dying of cardiovascular disease. See the National Health and Nutrition Survey in JAMA 2012, March 16 issue.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Lack of Sleep is a Major Risk Factor

A Harvard study led by Orfeu Buxton showed that people who were sleep deprived had a slowdown in their metabolism and a one-third reduction in insulin production. This increased the blood glucose, which in turn increased the risk of diabetes and obesity. The lack of sleep also results in various psychological disorders and fatigue. Most people required 8 hours of sleep a day. A key question to ask is “do you fall asleep easily or get drowsy during the day?” See Bloomberg News, seen in the Toledo Blade, April 12, 2012, Section A, page 8.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Removing Heavy Metals is Safe

The American College of Metal Toxicology held a meeting at the CDC in February that was the antithesis of science. Led by notorious opponents of chelation therapy, the presenters declared that removal of extremely toxic metals such as lead, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury is dangerous. As “evidence” they cited three anecdotal case reports. They totally ignored thousands of articles and studies, many in the conventional literature that demonstrated that chelation therapy is safe and beneficial. Needless to say, attendees at the conference included the FDA and the Federation of State Medical Boards. Such efforts would be ridiculous, if they were not so tragic. Human lives are at stake. See The Alliance for Natural Health USA, (posted April 24, 2012)

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Doctors Die Differently

Like everyone else, medical doctors don’t want to die. But when they know that their situation is hopeless, even though they have access to the most advanced tests and treatments, most doctors resign themselves to their fate and pass away as simply and painlessly as possible. They know enough to forgo the suffering of needless chemotherapy and multiple tubes and wires of life support. They use a living will and make their wishes known to their family. They might use a more gentle approach, as offered by alternative medicine. Most doctors do less for themselves than they prescribe for their patients who are in a terminal state. See May-June issue, pp.68-69

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

We Eat Twice as Much Salt as Recommended

Excess salt increases the risk of hypertension by holding excess fluid in the body. Foods that contain the most salt are white bread, lunch meats, pizza, soups, cheese, pasta, French fries and salty snack foods, such as popcorn and potato chips. Limit these foods for a longer life with less risk of death and disability. See

Thursday, May 24, 2012

10 Most Costly Disorders Among Adults in 2008

The most costly afflictions in U.S. health care in order are heart disease, cancer, mental disorders, trauma-related problems, and osteoarthritis. Next are pulmonary diseases, hypertension, diabetes, back problems and hyperlipidemia. It is not hard to see that the high cost of surgery and prescription drugs are the cause of the expensive health care system we have created. Yet the quality of our health care is lower than most industrialized nations. We need to move toward the safer, more natural approach of integrative medicine, at a much higher rate of speed. See Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Statistical Brief 331, July 2011.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Carotid Artery Plaque Results in Memory Loss Even without Suffering a Stroke

A study was reported at the International Stroke Conference that showed cognitive impairment in patients with significant plaque in at least one carotid artery in the neck, even with no evidence that a stroke had occurred. I suggest that everyone over the age of 50 get a screening ultrasound to look for such blockage. We offer the CardioRisk test, and often, Life Screening holds testing in the community. If plaque is detected, lifestyle measures are suggested, aspirin or fish oil might be prescribed, and we would consider chelation therapy to prevent the loss of brain function. See Family Practice News, March 15, 2012, p. 9.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Statin Drugs Can Cause Diabetes

The FDA now requires statin drug labels to warn of the risk of developing diabetes. The most effective statin, Crestor, probably carries the greatest risk. Many alternative doctors prefer to use red rice yeast instead of the synthetic drugs, because they seem to be similarly effective at lowering cholesterol and reducing inflammation with much fewer side effects. I also like to add cinnamon pills, which not only lower cholesterol but also reduce blood sugar and insulin resistance. See FDA MedWatch program (click here)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Too Much Sitting Increases Your Risk of Death

A study in Circulation showed that people who watch 4 hours of TV a day have an 80% higher risk of dying from heart disease than those who watch to hours or less. There was an associated increase in blood glucose and cholesterol. The findings were the same even if people exercised regularly. The message is to limit your TV watching and spend as much time on your feet during the day. Avoid sitting on a chair as much as you can. See Circulation 2011.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Plavix (clopidogrel) is an Expensive Failure for Treating Patients with Strokes

A major study treating patients who had suffered a stroke with Plavix added to aspirin was halted early because of safety and futility. One aspirin a day did just as well in preventing a second stroke as aspirin plus Plavix, and there were twice as many major hemorrhages when Plavix was added. Plavix is commonly used in the cardiovascular community with little respect for its high cost and risk of side effects. Perhaps this study will help lesson its unwarranted use. See Stroke(click here) 2011;42:227-76.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Anti-Fraud Program is a Double-edged Sword

The federal government recovered $4 billion in “fraudulent” payments through Medicare and Medicaid last year. It is impressive that criminal activity is being found, and that inappropriate payments are being recovered. However, rules for coding and reimbursement for these programs are not always clear. Some patients who clearly need wheel chairs are now not getting them. Doctors who provide alternative medicine that is really helping their patients are being accused of unnecessary treatment, which can carry huge financial penalties or even imprisonment. More and more doctors no longer participate in Medicare because they want to offer treatments that are not usual and customary because these procedures are more effective in their experience. See Family Practice News (click here), March 1, 2012, p. 16.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Younger Women Have Higher Risk of Death with Heart Attacks

Younger women are more likely to have heart attacks without chest pain than younger men. If they have a heart attack, younger women are more likely to die from an acute heart attack. Especially if you are a woman who has a positive family history for heart attacks or strokes or risk factors such as high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, and smoking, you should get screening tests such as the CardioRisk test that we provide at our offices or an ultra-fast CT scan to detect calcium deposits in coronary arteries. Early disease can be treated with improved lifestyle and perhaps with chelation therapy, which we find to be quite effective. See JAMA 2012;307:813-22.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

FDA Warning About Getting Serious Infections While Taking Acid-reducing Drugs

One of the most common drug classes now in use is PPIs, such as Prilosec, Nexium, Prevacid, and Protonics. These drugs treat excess gastric acid and reflux disease. In the past, they have been linked to nutritional deficiencies and increase risk of fractures. Now the FDA warns the public about getting severe, persistent, watery diarrhea from C. difficile when taking PPI drugs long term. This can be a life-threatening infection. There are a number of natural products that can often help these gastrointestinal problems, such as aloe vera, bentonite, and mucin-containing antacids. Minimize your dependence on PPIs and if you take them, be alert for severe diarrhea. Go to your physician immediately if it occurs. See the FDA MedWatch program.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Pain Meds Can be Dangerous

Vioxx was taken off the market in 2004 because of an increased risk of heart attacks. Other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, aspirin, Aleve, etc. were demoted to second tier status due to GI and kidney problems. Long-term use of acetaminophen (Tylenol) can contribute to liver or kidney problems. Now it is evident that low-dose narcotics increase falls and fractures, especially in the elderly. Perhaps it is time to officially endorse natural pain relievers such as glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, and boswellia. Pulse magnet fields, cold laser treatments, and the pain reduction technique by Dr. Stephen Kaufman can also be very effective in relieving either chronic or acute pain. These agents and procedures are safe and usually quite effective, in our experience at Celebration of Health Association. See Family Practice News(click here), March 1, 2012, page 1&9.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Should You Take Low-dose Aspirin Every Day?

Dr. Peter Rothwell of the University of Oxford says “yes” in his article in Lancet in March, 2012. There are mixed reports about the use of aspirin to prevent heart attacks and strokes, but Dr. Rothwell has shown that it can help prevent the occurrence and spread of esophageal and colon cancer. Five other British studies have confirmed the benefit with lung, prostate and colon cancer by as much as 46%. Two U.S. studies had negative results, but those studies looked at patients taking the drug only every other day. The appropriate dose appears to be 81 mg every day with food. See Lancet, March 21 issue.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

20% of U.S. Adults Have Mental Illness

A report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration in 2010 divulged that 20% if people 18 years and older reported that they had experienced some mental illness in the previous year. Only about half had received treatment. Professional help is needed for effective treatment of mental difficulties. However, prescription medications can often be avoided. Herbal and nutritional supplements can be helpful. Empower plus is a supplement that has good research to back it up. We often will measure urine neurotransmitters to see which ones are out of balance, and then suggest amino acids and other supplements to increase the ones that are low. Allergies can play a significant role. There are many other holistic approaches to treating mental illness. Search for holistic docs from the American Holistic Medical Association(click here), the International College of Integrative Medicine(click here), the American Academy of Environmental Medicine(click here_, and the American College for Advancement in Medicine(click here). For the survey results, see SAMHSA or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Cognitive Decline Begins at Age 45

A study published in the British Medical Journal of 7000 patients over 10 years showed that cognitive test scores showed a decline in mental capacity as we age for all measurements except vocabulary. The decline began at age 45 and continued as aging progressed. President Obama has established an advisory council to explore ways to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Much research has to be done. But a good way to start is to exercise our minds as we do for our bodies. Reading, doing puzzles, playing games, and challenging discussions all might by helpful. The primary screening test for memory loss is a challenge test for toxic metals such as mercury, lead, and aluminum. This test is available from most holistic physicians. To find a holistic doctor, go to American College for Advancement in Medicine (click here) or International College of Integrative Medicine(click here) or American Holistic Medical Association (click here)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Prevention is Universal

Standard advice has been look at your family history to see which diseases you might be prone for, and then make a plan for prevention. A recent collaborative effort by the American Cancer Society and the American Heart Association showed that the healthy lifestyle recommendations from each group tended to prevent the diseases targeted by the other group as well. Avoiding smoking, healthy diet, regular exercise and dealing with stress are activities that will help prevent many diseases. I would add screening and avoiding toxic metals and optimal nutrition, including supplements like vitamins D and C. It doesn’t have to be complicated for a basic approach. See Family Practice News,(click here) Feb. 1, 2012, p. 1.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What to do for Painful Muscles and Joints

One in twenty people over the age of 50 have artificial joints. The incidence of knee replacements has tripled in recent years. As we get older, we are more prone toward muscular pain, tendonitis, and cartilage deterioration. The key to prevention is regular exercise, rather than infrequent concentrated efforts. Contrary to belief, stretching vigorously before running and similar activities can make us more prone to injury because our muscles are cold and less supple. Better to stretch after exercise. If pain persists more than a few days or is severe, it might be time to see a doctor. In my experience, excellent pain relief can be obtained with acupuncture, cold laser, the pain neutralization technique by Kaufman, and chiropractic. Persistent joint instability responds very well to prolotherapy. Nutritional supplements often give temporary relief. Prompt and effective treatment can avoid surgery for the vast majority of patients. See the Associated Press article in the Toledo Blade, February 13, 2012, p. 1, or Google the therapies mentioned.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

British Study Expresses Concern that Screening Mammograms Might be Harmful

Medical Economics reports that a British Medical Journal study analyzed eight trials including 100,000 women, aged at least 50 years old, who received annual mammograms for breast screening. When they took into account false positive diagnoses, additional studies required, and unnecessary surgeries, the net benefit over 20 years of getting mammograms was reduced by half. The study did not consider thermography as an alternative screening procedure, but following patients closely with thermograms before cancer actually develops would likely reduce these risks of screening considerably. See BMJ;DOI:10.1136/bmj.d.7627. Thermography (click here)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Poison in Our Food—BPA

There have been over 1000 studies on biphenol A(BPA). All the studies sponsored by industry say that it is safe. 90% of the non-industry studies show that it is toxic. BPA makes food packaging more attractive, especially clear plastic bottles and the lining of canned foods. BPA is an estrogen-like compound that has been linked to endocrine disruption, cancer, heart disease and allergies. The FDA is concerned but cannot regulate BPA because it is on the generally recognized as safe (GRAS) list. Avoid it whenever you can. See (click here) and Google BPA researcher Frederick vom Saal.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Prevention of Memory Loss with Diet

Dr. Cyrus A. Raji of the University of Pittsburgh reported at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America on the ongoing results of the Cardiovascular Health Study—Cognition Study, which has been going on for 20 years. Patients who consumed baked or broiled fish at least once a week had larger brains on MRIs and a reduced incidence of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease, presumably due to increased levels of omega 3 fatty acids. Dr. Joseph Hickey, a neurologist from North Carolina who is also my friend, has noted memory problems and dementia in patients who have even borderline elevations of fasting blood sugars as well as minimal accumulations of toxic metals, such as lead, mercury and aluminum. An integrative physician can best help you implement a plan to save your brain. Dr. Raji(click here) and Dr. Hickey for more information and contact International College of Integrative Medicine(click here) to find an integrative physician near you.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Violent Video Games Harmful to Men’s Brains

At the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, functional MRI evidence was presented that frequent use of violent video games resulted in reduced activity in regions of the brain associated with attention, inhibition, and monitoring of emotions. The study was performed by Dr. Vincent P. Mathews at Indiana University. Fortunately, the changes in brain activity resolved over a 2-week period after the use of the violent games was stopped. Previous studies have shown a connection between violent video games and increased aggression. See Family Practice News (click here), January 2012 issue, p. 31.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Acne Rosacea Responds to Treating Intestinal Overgrowth but There is a Better Way

A small study by Salix Pharmaceuticals, makers of rifaximin showed that their drug corrects intestinal overgrowth in patients with Rosacea, which in turn results in clinical improvement. They did not mention that the use of long-term antibiotics requires concurrent probiotics to prevent increased activity of yeast. In my experience, several treatments for Rosacea with a Smoothbeam laser give great results without the risk of side effects. My patients prefer the laser. Other treatments often yield mediocre results. rifaximin(click here) and Smoothbeam laser for Acne Rosacea (click here).

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Finally, a Gastroenterologist Relates Food to Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Dr. William D. Chey of the University of Michigan GI Laboratory confirmed the work of Dr. Peter Gibson of Australia which showed significant improvements in patients with IBS that went on a low sugar diet. The work was presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology, where it was also noted that the worldwide incidence of IBS is increasing substantially. Those of us in integrative medicine have been treating IBS successfully for many years by correcting imbalances in yeast and good bacteria (dysbiosis) and identifying food allergies. Corrections in diet are just part of the overall treatment program. See Family Practice News(click here,subscription needed) January 2012 issue, p. 29.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Warnings about High-dose Vitamin D are Misguided

A recent study presented at the American Heart Association noted that patients with consistently high blood levels of Vitamin D (>100 ng/dl) had a 2.5 fold increase in the incidence of atrial fibrillation. What escaped the headlines is that even with the high blood levels, the incidence of atrial fib was only 0.2%, which is 2 patients out of 1000. I certainly agree with the idea that patients taking a high dose over time should have their blood tested occasionally, but we should not be afraid of taking high doses when the benefits so greatly outweigh the risks. See the January 2012 issue of Family Practice News (click here-subscription needed), p. 28.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Different Statin Drugs Battle to a Draw

The SATURN study compared the results of maximum doses of the two most popular statin drugs, Crestor and Lipitor. Even though it is more expensive and supposedly more powerful, Crestor failed to work any better at reducing the volume of the plaque over a two-year period. LDL was effectively reduced by both drugs, but the volume of the plaque shrank only 1% for both. There was no evidence that such a small amount of plaque reduction will result in more plaque stability or a reduction in coronary events. Earlier studies have shown that natural statins like red yeast have similar benefits and fewer side effects. The biggest advantage for Crestor appears to be greater profits for AstraZeneca, the company that markets Crestor. See January 2012 issue of Family Practice News,(click here) p. 25.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lifestyle Risks for Breast Cancer

The Institute of Medicine’s Committee on Breast Cancer and the Environment issued a report discussing the scientific evidence that documents various risks for breast cancer. The strongest evidence for risk is combined synthetic hormone therapy (especially progestins, not natural progesterone), exposure to X-rays, excessive weight after menopause, and alcohol consumption. Mixed evidence implemented smoking, use of hair dyes, lack of exercise, and exposure to microwaves and other electrical devices. Next in line were second hand smoke, nightshift work, and exposure to various chemicals. The latter has not been well studied. Genetics obviously plays some role as well. Do the best you can to live environmentally safe. IOM Committee on Breast Cancer and the Environment(click here).

Thursday, February 23, 2012

For Women, To Drink or not to Drink, That is the Question

The Nurses Health Study out of Harvard has shown that two drinks a day, regardless of whether they are beer, wine or other alcohol, increase the risk of breast cancer. However, the same intake of alcohol reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. The mechanism is unknown, but the authors speculate that the cancer risk has something to do with circulating levels of estrogens. The CV benefit might be due to stress reduction. Look at your family history to see which of the risks predominates, and perhaps act accordingly. See JAMA (click here)2011;306:1884-90.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Screening Mammography’s Role in Saving Lives

A study in the Archives of Internal Medicine showed that the benefit of screening mammography has declined over time. Only 5-10% of women who find a cancer by getting a mammogram will have their life saved by early detection. The authors speculate that the benefit has declined because women present to a physician earlier if they self-detect a lump and because treatment of self-detected cancers has improved. One advantage of using thermography for breast screening is that tendencies toward the development of cancer show up before a cancer starts to grow. Interventions to try to modify that risk can then be implemented. Another advantage of thermography is that it can better evaluate dense breasts. Efforts by the group, Are You Dense, to inform patients with this finding and require additional screening are causing several states to introduce legislation this year. See Welch and Frankel, Arch. Intern. Med 2011, Oct 24. For thermography see (click here) or my website, (click here)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Misguided Concerns about Overdosing with Vitamin D

The popular press recently reported on a study that supposedly warned about a slight increase in the incidence of atrial fibrillation for patients with very high levels of vitamin D. The Alliance for Natural Health-USA has clarified this minor concern. In fact the study just confirmed what we have known for a long time. Levels of 25 [OH] vitamin D3 of less than 30 mg/ml are clearly deficient, optimal levels are 60-100 ng/ml, and possible side effects are of concern the more above 100 ng/ml the blood levels go. Yes, it is a good idea to get a blood test. To achieve toxicity, however, according to the Vitamin D Council, most reports suggest that a consistent level of at least 40,000iu a day over time has been required. The benefits of vitamin D include treatment of viruses and osteoporosis and prevention of heart disease, cancer, autoimmunity, and other illnesses. Please do not let the gullible press response to anti-supplement campaigns distract you from the multiple benefits you can achieve from optimal nutrition. See www.anh-usa,org/truth-about-vit-d-study/(click here)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

PSA Screening—One Man at a Time

The U.S. Preventive Task Force released a new draft recommendation that PSA screening for prostate cancer is no longer appropriate. The concern was that the risk of complications and unnecessary surgery outweigh the potential benefit of catching a cancer early. Large studies showed no significant benefit in reducing mortality. An editorial in the New England journal disputed the action, and I agree with the authors. A PSA for screening should not be a required test, but serial measurements for individual men should be an option, along with digital rectal exams, after a careful discussion with the doctor about the potential risks and slight benefits. Individualized medicine addresses the needs of every person. Statistics are a guide but they should not direct us to throw the baby out with the bathwater if there is a reasonable chance of benefit for an individual patient. See New England Journal of Medicine (click here) subscription required. 2011;365:1951-1953.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Zinc Lozenges for the Common Cold

An analysis of 13 placebo-controlled studies showed that zinc lozenges can shorten the duration and decrease the symptoms of the common cold, including pharyngitis. A 40% reduction in the duration of symptoms was noted by combining the studies. The key is to take adequate doses. 75 mg of zinc acetate was needed for maximum effect. Occasionally, the zinc had to be discontinued due to constipation or a bad taste, but other side effects for short-term use were uncommon. Long-term use is not recommended. A deficiency in copper can result. See Open Respiratory Medicine Journal(click here), 2011;5:51-58.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Obama Saves Lives by Regulating Mercury

In December, President Obama and the EPA enacted the first national controls on mercury and other toxic chemicals released by coal-fired power plants. True, there will be a cost to these regulations, but the EPA estimates that we will save $9 in health benefits for every dollar spent to reduce this highly toxic metal. It is estimated that reducing mercury in the air will prevent 11,000 premature deaths each year, 4700 heart attacks, 130,000 cases of childhood asthma, 6300 episodes of acute bronchitis, and who knows how many cases of autism (my addition on autism)? Next we have to deal with the American Dental Association. See Editorial in the Toledo Blade, December 23, 2011, section A, p. 10.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Parents are Creating New Vaccine Schedules

Researchers in Ann Arbor, Michigan have determined that one out of seven sets of parents is following a vaccine schedule that is contrary to the standard procedure. Half of these are refusing some vaccines and another half are getting the vaccines when the child is older. DPT and polio vaccines are least likely to be skipped and flu vaccines most likely. Doctors need to be flexible when arranging for vaccines with parents. The latter’s concerns are real. The risk to your child is a different issue than the overall benefit to society. See Pediatrics 2011-0400)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Severe Knee Pain after Joint Replacements

15% of the 600,000 knee replacements each year suffer severe pain after the operation. The pain usually starts soon after the surgery and can last indefinitely. My experience is that it can usually be treated pretty well with a healing laser. However, the best approach might be to try prolotherapy injections prior to the surgery, and you might be able to avoid the need for surgery completely. See (click here) and (click here)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Should You Get a PSA?

The US Preventive Services Task Force says no, not as a screening test. The majority of the scientific evidence shows that screening with a PSA identifies additional cancers but does not result in improvements in prostate-specific mortality. Such screening does result in additional surgeries, some of which are unnecessary and cause complications. See the US Preventive Services Task Force draft guidelines in PSA screening (click here). If you want further guidance, contact us at

Monday, January 23, 2012

Eat Fish to Protect your Brain, but Not Fried reports on a study centered at University of Pittsburgh of 70 year olds that consumed at least one serving of fish a week for 10 years. Their brains were larger and the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease was one-fifth of control patients. The effect was nullified if the fish was fried. Eat your fish baked or broiled! See here) or come our web site at for more info. (click here)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Heavy Metals in Fruit Juice

A study in Consumer Reports found elevated levels of lead and arsenic in 3 out of 31 popular brands of grape and apple juice. High levels of these metals can increase the risk of heart disease, cancer, memory problems and other illnesses later in life. The source is probably pesticides. I would limit the consumption of these juices. We can test people of all ages to see if they have accumulated high levels of lead, mercury and arsenic. See Consumer Reports in December of 2011 (click here) or go to to find out more about heavy metals.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Fatty Food Snacks Might Cause Inflammation from Leaky Gut

In a European study of diabetics, it was found that fatty food snacks such as potato chips causes leaky gut. Thus increased amounts of bacterial endotoxins that are normally contained in the gut are absorbed. This can lead to inflammation and possible infection, at least in diabetics. It is food for thought in the general population as well. Spreading your food consumption out by including snacks can be healthy but not if the food is high in fat. See the proceedings of the annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes(click here).

Monday, January 9, 2012

Resistant Vaginal Yeast Infections on the Rise

Candida vaginal infections have been treated with newer drugs in recent years and resistance has developed. Studies have shown that the old standby, nystatin, might be more effective. Nystatin also has the advantage that it is not absorbed well, so systemic side effects are rare. Whether we treat localized vaginal infections or yeast imbalance in the digestive tract, which can affect the entire body from release of toxins, we find that a comprehensive approach is often needed. That might include a yeast-control diet, probiotics, at least two anti-yeast agents and sometimes a homeopathic to stimulate the immune system. See Family Practice News,(click here) October 1, 2011, p. 28, report on the annual meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society for OB-GYN.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Flu Vaccine in Children

In 2010 in the USA, a total of 53 deaths from the flu occurred in children younger than 5 years old. 23% of those children were fully vaccinated for the flu. Many had poorly functioning immune systems. The data are limited by a poor surveillance system, but it seems to me that the goal of vaccinating all children with a shot that contains the potent toxins of mercury and/or aluminum is misguided. The vaccine was not even effective enough to prevent death in these unfortunate children. I recommend mucococcinium homeopathic to help prevent the flu in adults and children as my first choice. See the Center for Disease Control statistics for flu in children.